Bath size of 3 to 4: the subtleties of planning

Bath size of 3 to 4 square. m - this is at least a small, but very comfortable place to relax. It is possible to arrange all the necessary rooms: from the steam room to the dressing room. So the owners of small plots can not worry, because even on a compact courtyard they will be able to build the perfect place for relaxation.

Special features

When you first look at a miniature bath, it seems that it is terribly uncomfortable and there it is simply impossible to fully relax. But in fact, such buildings have their own advantages. First of all, deciding to build a mini-steam room on the site, you can significantly save on building materials.

Regardless of what materials are chosen, the construction of a small building will be cheaper than the construction of a huge two-story building.

If you build a mini-bath, you can save a little more time. The less complex the work, the less time will have to spend on construction.It will be even more profitable if you entrust this work to professionals who evaluate their work by the hour.

By the way, since the bath is small, you can safely choose more expensive building materials. And, it means that the steam room will be better and more durable. All this makes compact baths quite popular.


When planning the construction of the bath, first of all, you need to decide what it will be. Do not take ideas from the head. Better focus on classic concepts. Consider the most popular types of baths from around the world.

First, it is worth mentioning the division of buildings according to the level of humidity:

  • The first category includes baths that are heated by dry steam. The temperature in such rooms is the highest. It ranges from sixty to one hundred and twenty degrees. Humidity there, on the contrary, is very low - no higher than twenty-five percent.
  • The second group - raw baths. In such rooms the temperature is lower - about 60 degrees. But the humidity is increased.
  • Water baths are heated with hot water.

According to such principles, all types of such premises are heated:

  • Roman. One of the most ancient types of baths.It consists of five rooms that are interconnected. The first room is called the waiting room. The second is the conditional name warm. If in the first one the temperature is quite low, then in this room it already rises. In the third, hot, even warmer. And the fourth is already called steam. Traditionally in this room the temperature reaches 85 degrees. In some cases, it is even higher. The fifth is considered unloading and it is getting colder there.
  • Irish. This type of bath is similar to the previous one. But there are some differences. The most important of them - the rooms here do not go into one another, and exit the door to a common corridor. So you do not need to go from one room to another, you can go to any one you like.
  • Russian. This is the most common type of bath for us. In such a building there is always a small waiting room, washing room and steam room. In the steam room is another distinctive detail of the Russian bath - a real oven.
  • Finnish. This type of steam room is also called a sauna. Finnish sauna consists of one room. It is heated with hot steam. Humidity in the room is reduced to a minimum.
  • Ofuro. This term is called the Japanese bath.Although the simple Russian person is hard to believe that this is a full steam room. In fact, it is a simple barrel filled with hot water. The fluid that fills this capacity is heated to sixty degrees and is complemented by various healing herbs, which also have a beneficial effect on health and skin. As planned by the creators, in this healing broth a person should spend 10 minutes or even more. But even people with very good health do not always succeed.
  • Hammam The last type of bath is Turkish. It belongs to the category of water. A room of this type is best suited for those who do not like or because of their health does not withstand exposure to high temperatures. The main part of the hammam is a large pool with hot water. However, until the moment when the visitor of the bath gets to this pool, he has to plunge into several tanks with colder water.

As is already clear, hammams are usually quite large, and it is almost impossible to fit all the necessary parts in a 3x4 area.

Materials used

Having decided on the type of construction, you need to understand what materials will be used for the construction of the bath.

  • Brick. The most common option is a brick building.This material is not only fireproof, but also resistant to high humidity. In addition, brick buildings and look very stylish. This is a universal material that never loses relevance.
  • Expanded clay. Also earned a good reputation and materials such as expanded clay and polystyrene. They are characterized by high strength and durability. In this case, buildings made of such materials have low thermal conductivity, and, therefore, a well-heated bath will not cool for a long time.
  • Timber. Often for construction of a bath choose a bar. This stuff is especially good. Natural wood is completely safe for health and retains heat well indoors. In addition, if the rooms are finished with a bar, then a pleasant woody fragrance will constantly hover in the bath. The only drawback of such buildings is fragility. By itself, the timber reacts poorly to constant changes in temperature and high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to further process the wood and restore this protective layer on a regular basis. But to paint or coat a bar with varnish is definitely not worth it, so as not to spoil its natural appearance.
  • Blocks. The latest popular material is blocks. They are massive, so you can easily build a full-fledged building from them in just a couple of days.

Room layout

Since 4x3 meters is not so much, it is difficult to place all the necessary rooms on such an area. First of all, withto pay attention to the most necessary premises:

  • The waiting room. This room is considered an integral attribute of the bath. But at the same time, in some cases, this room is sacrificed for the sake of space. The purpose of this room is that they leave all their belongings, shoes, and so on. In fact, this is a room that performs the function of a locker room.
  • Washing. A sink is a room that you need to enter before you go to the steam room. Usually there is a minimum of furniture in it - only neat benches. In some cases, the interior of the room is complemented by shelves.
  • Steam room. The most important room in any bath is the steam room. After all, it is here that all the main processes occur. Often inside this room is a stove or fireplace. In addition to them, there should be many other little things in the room. First of all, it is the loungers for rest and shelves.

On one shelf should fit a man in full growth. This is important, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to rest.

To understand what it is worth being guided in when arranging a bath, you can consider several interesting examples of planning:

  • Simple two-room option. To save space, you can opt for an ordinary bath, consisting of two rooms - a steam room and a dressing room. The plan of such a building is very simple. The space of the bath is divided into two main rooms: a steam room and a dressing room. In the dressing room there is a place to store things. If necessary, you can also arrange a table with chairs to relax with the company during the cold season. At the exit of the bath is to build a terrace where you can take out the chairs in the summer. As for the steam room, it is conveniently divided by a partition into a steam room and a sink. In this situation, inside the bath there is a place for everything you need and there will be no unnecessary parts.
  • With an attic. Another option for a small plot is a building, complete with an attic. In fact, this is a defective second floor. Therefore, to add an attic to an ordinary bath is not as expensive as it seems at first glance.And at the same time, the arrangement of the attic is very beneficial for the owners of the site, because they do not have to bother with the constant removal of furniture on the terrace or courtyard. As a rule, if the bath is complemented by a loft, there is either a seating area or a place to store things. This is also very beneficial because when the seating is separate, steam from the main room does not penetrate there and does not damage furniture and decoration materials.

Tips and tricks

Finally, it is worthwhile to additionally mention some points that are important to consider when building.

  • Features of placement. A lot depends on where the steam room will be located. Experts recommend placing the building on a small hill and at least eight meters from the houses. Also, you can not install a bath next to water or wells. The structure should be no closer than fifteen meters from the pond and five meters from the well dug by hand. The bath should be separated from the road by at least 10 meters, and at least three from the fence. Also, there should not be any flammable materials and structures nearby.But trees, bushes and even a hedge can be planted next to the bath.
  • Priming. Also important is the ground on which the building is being erected. Ideally, the earth should not be prone to the accumulation of moisture in it. Loose ground does not fit. If necessary, under the site for the construction of a bath, you can ram the site, filled it with a mixture of gravel and sand.
  • By the way special attention should be paid to the floor in the bath. It is best to make them double. If a heater is laid between two layers of the floor, it will be much more comfortable to rest in the rooms.
  • Rooms to donate. The main room in any bath is a steam room. Without it just can not do. Next to it is sometimes located a room for rest. There they can equip a billiard room, a library or a place for gatherings with the company. But it is possible to sacrifice exactly the space for rest. In order to save space, you can, instead of a full wash, to equip a small shower. There should be no less space in it than is necessary so that at least one person can sit there comfortably. In some cases, it is possible to consider the combined option, when the washing is combined with the bathroom, so that later there is no need to run into the house in the cold.
  • Heating. In order for the bath to be easy to maintain the desired temperature, you need to immediately warm the room and install good heating devices. First of all, it is worth investing money in a good wall covering. Properly selected material will make the steam room cozy and suitable for relaxation at any time of the year. From the heaters, you can choose any suitable: a fireplace, a stove or a stove. The best option is not a wood-burning stove, but an economical electric fireplace. It works at any time, and heating the room with such a fireplace is cheaper, because you do not have to buy firewood and worry about fire safety.

In general, the design of the project depends entirely on the needs of the family. And when arranging a bath, you need to focus not on plans that were invented by someone, but on how comfortable it is for families and guests to rest in the steam room and adjoining rooms.

Review of 4x3 bath from a log, see below.

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