
What is SanPiN? Basic rules and regulations

To comply with human rights, many legislative documents are used. What is SanPiN? it sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, protecting the person and the nature from negative components, infections, infections. Observe safety must enterprises producing a variety of products.

AT sanitary standards There are many rules that ensure the safety of man and nature. Enterprises and citizens are obliged to fulfill them, as it is established by law. Otherwise, fines and compensation are provided.

Basic norms

what is sanpin

SanPiN institutions ensures safe and efficient operation. Verification of the implementation of the rules is carried out by special bodies. The main requirements are:

  • production safety;
  • effective activity of enterprises that release harmful components into the environment;
  • drinking water quality;
  • norms of placement and organization of medical and educational institutions;
  • air quality;
  • product safety.

A responsibility

This is not a complete list, which is included in SanPiN. There are many standards that depend on the areas of human life. The rules are designed for various cases that can be dangerous to humans and nature.

sanpin requirements

All SanPiN rules must be observed by enterprises of any type of ownership. Due to ignorance and violation of the rules, liability or penalties are not canceled.

Rules for Preschools

What is SanPiN in kindergarten? This document defines the sanitary and hygienic rules approved by the state. The document outlines the requirements for a set of groups, the rules for creating a microclimate, lighting, and food. All rules are important to observe in any preschool institution, regardless of its form.

The main regulatory agency is Rospotrebnadzor. Regional and federal committees and the prosecutor's office assume some responsibilities. They are the ones who check the compliance of the institution with generally accepted standards.

Requirements for children

There are requirements for the operation of kindergartens. SanPiN includes information that children from 2 months to 7 years can be admitted to a preschool institution. A group can have a different number of children, it all depends on the size of the room. The rules should also be considered:

  • for each child under 3 years of age, at least 2.5 square meters are required. m .;
  • from 3 to 7 years, from 2 square meters. m

sanpin for kindergarten

Calculations are based on the actual number of children. In addition to these rules, there are also rules regarding the regime of the day and nutrition.

Daily regime

SanPiN for kindergarten includes the necessary rules on the daily routine. The wakeful period of children 3-7 years old should be no more than 6 hours, and for babies the norms are determined by medical workers. Being outdoors lasts 3-4 hours, 2 times a day. Sleep should take 12 hours a day, of which 2.5 hours is a day's rest.

Independent activity of children lasts at least 4 hours a day. At this time, preparing for studies, games, personal hygiene. These rules apply to children 3-7 years old, and if they are 1.5-3 years old, then the period is reduced to 10 minutes. Procedures such as:

  • gymnastics;
  • physical Culture;
  • active games;
  • rhythm
  • swimming.

In children 5-7 years of age, physical activity should be about 8 hours a week. Mandatory include hardening measures.

Room processing

If you study SanPiN, hygiene requirements are one of the main. The room must be treated in the absence of children.Ventilate the room depending on air temperature and heating, there should be no drafts.

sanpin institutions

Washing toys is carried out every day. In younger groups, this is done twice a day. Detergents should be selected safe. Bed sheets need to be changed every week. The child is given individual hygiene products.

Food norms

What is SanPiN in the catering department? These are the rules that ensure the safety of people when eating. Sinks for washing dishes are located in all groups. And as a cleaning agent mustard or soda is used. A special grate is used for drying.

If there is a risk of illness, then the dishes are treated with a disinfectant, rinsed and dried. All containers are labeled. Vitaminization is performed under the supervision of medical professionals.

Room rates

What is SanPiN premises? This is a document that states the rules for maintaining all rooms. Special attention is paid to the pool. With high-quality water circulation, its replacement should be performed within 8 hours. If this function is not available, daily drain is required.

Sanpin Hygiene Requirements

Water treatment is carried out by special workers. Daily need to clean showers, toilets, locker rooms. General cleaning is carried out every month. Flowers are planted on the territory that divide the space into game and economic parts. On the territory should not be poisonous, prickly plants. Furniture in groups is chosen depending on the growth of the guys.

SanPiN for workers

There are rules to be followed by facility staff. Educators regularly undergo a physical examination, as well as certification according to sanitary standards. Testing is required.

Nurses are also required. They must have a medical education, work experience of 3 years. Staff regularly undergo a physical examination. They must follow the instructions and follow the internal routine.

SanPiN regulates many areas of human activity. Thanks to their observance, there is no threat to life and health of people. Therefore, liability is provided for their violations.

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