
My brother helped me simplify my work on the computer: 15 hot keys that I had no idea

I work at a computer and am constantly looking for ways to simplify this process and make it less time-consuming. My brother helped me with this. He wrote a cheat sheet for me with 15 keyboard shortcuts that made my job a lot easier. I share this information with you.

Ctrl + F

This combination helps you find a specific word or phrase on a web page or in a long text document. This significantly reduces the time for proofreading.

Alt + D

This key combination allows you to go to the address bar of the browser without using the mouse.

Ctrl + D

This combination allows you to bookmark the web page without using the mouse.

Ctrl + Shift + N

Pressing this key combination will take you to incognito mode. Thus, no one will be able to track your browsing history.

Ctrl + Alt + V

Using this combination, you can insert the cut fragment into the text, fitting the font and other parameters to the current document.


Helps to rename a file.

Ctrl + M

The combination instantly mutes the sound of the computer.

Ctrl + Shift + T

If you accidentally close the desired tab, press this key combination. The last closed tab opens again.

Ctrl + Shift + N

Thanks to this combination, you can create a new folder in a second without resorting to the help of the mouse and context menu.

Ctrl + A

Thanks to these keys, you can select the entire contents of the document (including text, tables, pictures and other elements) or web pages.

Ctrl + Page Up / Page Down

By pressing this key combination, you can quickly navigate between open tabs.

Ctrl + Y

This combination repeats the last action performed.

Ctrl + Z

This combination will help undo the last action performed if you find it erroneous.

Alt + Print Screen

This function helps to take a screenshot of the currently active window on the computer’s home screen. If you want to take a screenshot of the entire screen, just click Print Screen.

Ctrl + B / I / U

These combinations help highlight marked text in bold, italics, or underline, respectively.

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Alexander Viktorovich
did not know, thanks!


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