
The pregnant girl was fired from work. She decided to take revenge on her superiors

Tanya is my friend from the institute. This is a very calm and executive girl, always ready to support and help. However, despite her virtues, a very unpleasant situation occurred in Tanya’s life - her pregnant woman was fired from her job. The kind girl decided to take revenge on her superiors. This is what will be discussed below.

Young specialist

After graduation, Tanya got a prestigious place in our city. Of course, her uncle helped with the position, but from the very first days, the girl established herself as a real specialist. And this is not surprising. She was considered the smartest in our stream. Moreover, Tanya easily converged with people and loved to study.

In short, less than two years have passed since the girl received a promotion. However, she did not have time to really advance on the career ladder, as she fell in love.

Wedding and Relocation

Tannin guy was a very positive and kind person. True, he came from a simple family and could not boast of a higher education, but should a husband really have to graduate? Pasha worked as a turner in a factory, received a good salary, and lived with his parents in a tidy two-room apartment. It was there that he called his bride.

Everything would be fine, but the guy lived in a completely different village, so there was no question that Tanya could go to work in the city. It’s hard, for a long time and there’s no reason. The village has its own education department, young specialists are also needed there ...

Difficulties with work

However, the work did not work out. There were no vacancies in the specialty, so Tanya sat at home for some time. She did not worry about this and was content with the role of a housewife.

The girl made friends with Pasha’s parents and became like a daughter to them. The hostess she was excellent, always joyful, energetic. Soon, the work turned up, by profession. True, the place was temporary until the main employee went on maternity leave, but this did not upset the spouses - they also planned the baby and were looking forward to the long-awaited two strips on the test.

New team

Tanya enthusiastically set to work, but in a new place everything went wrong as she got used to. The employees did not accept the girl and treated her like an empty place. Tanya did not understand what this neglect was connected with, so she tried to please the team with all her might. However, whatever she did, everything was regarded by them as posturing.

The girl worked in a new place for two years, but did not become part of the team. Finally she found out that she was pregnant. Tanya happily began to prepare for the upcoming happy event, but here she was upset.

Unfair dismissal

It turned out that the employee on whose place Tanya worked suddenly wanted to get out of the decree. At first, the future mother did not worry, because she knew that, according to the law, she was obliged to provide another place. However, it later turned out that the director did not bother to find the girl a new position, but simply decided to dismiss her due to the end of the employment contract.

When Tanya talked about her situation, the director just shrugged: “Want, sue.” The girl decided to defend her rights to the last, however, unforeseen circumstances intruded into her plans.

Due to the unrest, Tanya almost lost her baby. While in the hospital for preservation, the girl realized that it would be problematic for her to participate in legal proceedings, since any lawsuits are related to stress and worries, and now the main task of the girl was the birth of a healthy child.

Therefore, Tanya, swallowing tears of resentment, stopped fighting for her place and got fired. She gave up, but did not accept. I just decided to take revenge on the director for my dismissal.


Tanya gave birth to a healthy baby and devoted herself completely to motherhood.

Sometimes she wondered how she could take revenge on those who, without a twinge of conscience, drove her pregnant from work. However, while the girl did not come up with anything interesting.

The kid turned one year old, and Tanya yearned for her active life. She thought for a long time about what she wants to achieve in life, and decided to change her specialty. Pasha supported his wife, therefore, without thinking twice, she enrolled in the courses of the browist.

New field

The courses lasted only two days, so Tanya had to learn a lot herself. She advertised in social networks that she was looking for models for free correction and dyeing of eyebrows. It turned out that there were many who wanted to, and within a week the girl had honed her skills so much that her work could argue with the work of the craftswomen from the salons.

It was not easy to achieve success in the chosen field of Tanya. It was necessary to purchase high-quality material, to gain a client base, to establish itself as a first-class specialist ...

Despite all the difficulties, Tanya was successful. She became the best eyebrow in the village. Over time, she realized that this was not enough, and graduated from hairdresser courses. Now the girl provided a full range of beauty services. She worked hard, constantly improved her knowledge, was very polite with customers, and her efforts were not in vain.

Success and revenge

There was no end to clients, and Tanya began to earn a lot. She and Pasha bought an apartment in which the room was taken under the salon. The girl issued an emergency and became the most sought-after beauty master in the village.

Once a client called Tanya and signed up for a haircut.

This client turned out to be the director, who five years ago fired the girl from work. When Tanya understood this, she remembered how she wanted to take revenge on her superiors for the injustice shown to her. Remembering this, the girl laughed.

She did not realize that she had already taken revenge on her colleagues! She took revenge on them not by responding with evil to evil, but by being able to step over their hostility and achieve success despite injustice and humiliation. Many of Tanya’s former colleagues were her best clients right now, and this was yet another achievement. The girl understood that she had become a true professional in her field, and realized that if it had not been for the ill-fated dismissal, she would never have achieved the heights and prosperity that she has reached at the moment.

So, in my opinion, to achieve success in a new field is the best revenge for all envious and spiteful critics?

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Reason for complaint
Alexander Demchenko
GIRLS are not pregnant. Marital proximity violates virginity. Alas!
Julia Ivanova
what the hell ...
and these eyebrows .. manicurists ... tired of everywhere .. if a woman is dumb, it means only there and her way.
Katya Weaver Julia Ivanova
I do not agree with you. Work in the beauty industry requires certain skills and talents. If a person has many clients, and he is constantly developing in his business, he will receive more than average;)
Andrey Steklov
A fairy tale from those who call for humility. Jehovah's Witnesses have a lot of them. Now they have reached us. But she could pour acid and burn in a locked car or push from the stairs: smile :: smile :: smile
Katya Weaver Andrey Steklov
I don’t understand, of course, where does religion come from - these are most likely your personal cockroaches. ;) But if she began to take revenge as you suggest, then she was sent to prison. She wiped the nose of evil people, becoming a self-sufficient woman, building her own business, achieving many achievements ...
Nikolay Yurievich Kazakov Andrey Steklov
And she could slash a saber
Katya Weaver
I agree that decree time is an opportunity to re-specialize. The girl is a great fellow!


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