
Do not fill in the "About" field: how to create a resume on the Web

Some people like it, but some don’t, but a Westerner, like a Russian, is almost always in search of work, a more bread place than what he has got at the moment. Of course, the constant thirst for money or more interesting work makes a person’s life one-dimensional and boring in a sense, but it is always a matter of choice. So, if you need tips on how to make a page on business social networks attractive to the employer, then follow the instructions given below.

No frivolous and festive photos

Yes, that's exactly it. Everything should be severe and strict in the case. Do not confuse ordinary social networks, where most people manically share the best moments of their lives with all friends, with business social networks, where people connect because of production needs.

Therefore, any hint of a holiday should be mercilessly forgotten, you should enter a completely different mood, so that your hunt for a new, more interesting work would be successful.

Exclude professional jargon

When filling out the page, avoid the abundance of professional jargon. Simplify, but not too much. In general, this recommendation is optional: a lot depends on who your page is tagged in on business social networks. But if you are interested in the widest audience reach, be less smart.

There may be such a situation. For example, the wife of your future boss accidentally stumbled upon your profile, she understood everything, and then remembered that no later than yesterday she heard from her husband that they needed such a specialist.

And if the page was encrypted using professional jargon, then the potential candidate would not get a job. Language is what matters.

Page customization

With the widest possible coverage, you need to think about the fact that the page contains information that will reveal the full depth of your professionalism. Simply put, you need to talk about the work that you managed to do before. Writing a competent, good page on social business networks is a difficult task, but if you have a little patience, then you can achieve everything. Pay particular attention to your business card, your cover.

Only honest information

Yes, this is a strange point, but many are trying to trick. Not necessary. Your achievements are what you were able to accumulate at this point. Moreover, imagine that you have attributed to yourself those achievements that we do not have, and so what? How will you go to the employer?

Therefore, honesty is the best policy, as Abraham Lincoln said.And if we talk about lies, then Paul Ekman, a well-known specialist in this field, would support the American president, because the truth cannot be confused.

Take Care of Your Professional Skills

If we leave aside that a social network is entertainment, it turns out that a business social network is another site where you can find work. Therefore, professional skills should be painted with all possible accuracy, so that the potential employer would salivate from the desire to have such a valuable staff.

And here it is important to skillfully flaunt virtues and retouch flaws. But remember the importance of honesty.

Evidence needed

Another factor limiting the imagination of the applicant is that every skill must be provided with evidence: photos, videos, links. Only an important condition: it is necessary that all the materials that you used as evidence of your high status belong to you, that is, the right to them. This is necessary so that there are no problems in the future. A resume will benefit from the facts.

Do not mix languages ​​in the profile (bonus)

You know, a modern trick: to write quotes in English in the Russian profile, especially those who really know languages, but also those who just throw dust in the eye.

So, in Western articles on this topic they do not recommend mixing French and English, but create two separate profiles in two languages. This advice will not give us anything, but it will make us think.

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