
A man bought a secretary at an auction for just $ 40. At home, he decided to inspect it and not in vain

Many people who are faced with a similar situation as Phil Leclerc's are not capable of committing such an act. Fortunately, such people remained in the world, and this encourages believing in kindness. One of such honest and decent heroes is Phil Leclerc.


A few years ago, a young man decided to clean the house of his elderly 94-year-old father from old and unnecessary things. He decided to sell all the furniture he found at an auction, and he planned to spend the proceeds on help so that his elderly father could be looked after.

Surprise Acquisition

The man called Margery Kelly, who had her own auction. He asked her to act as an intermediary between him and potential buyers.

In addition to other items that the man hoped to sell at auction in the hope of helping out some money, there was an old table by Governor Winthrop.

At that moment Phil Leclerc looked at the auction. By the way, the auction was held in Massachusetts, Holbrook. First, Phil drew attention to the old table.

The old table was with obvious signs of aging, but Phil didn’t stop it - he wanted the table to be crowded in his comfortable house and purchased it for only $ 40.

A distinctive feature of the governor's table was all kinds of secret drawers and slots that attract attention. Therefore, as soon as Phil came home, he immediately began to search these boxes.

When the lucky one tried to find one of the pens from the box, it turned out that he had discovered a new world for himself - the world of wealth.

He found the envelope and began to examine it. Emotions he described as follows:

The first thing I saw was a $ 500 bond! But there was much more in the envelope. It was awesome. I found 50, and then 100, 200, 500, and then I found a stack of six $ 10,000 bonds. Money continued to pour in! '

As a result, when Phil finished counting the bonds, the amount of his find was 127 thousand dollars.

Hero of our time

In addition, Phil knew what to do next, and immediately called Margery at an auction to contact him with the owner of the table.

Before Thanksgiving, the family who once owned the old happy table was presented with a gift. They returned the found 127 thousand dollars, and the young man was convinced that they would look after his father.

The obvious fact was that the family had been looking for jewelry for years, and then lost hope and stopped searching.

Fortunately for the old man and his son, Phil turned out to be a conscientious person and immediately returned the money found. At that moment, the position of the family improved significantly, because there was an opportunity to look after his father.

This story is proof that good and honest people do exist in this world. In addition, good deeds can turn the lives of other people upside down.

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Reason for complaint
Helg konungr
bonds were registered ...
Innochka Igorevna
And they should (since they have all such decent ones) return the money to the heirs of that governor, and not appropriate them, no ?! )))
Anton Aristov
everything would be appropriated in a rash :)
Oksana Lopyreva
This is lucky for him)


Success stories
