
Turn the small screw on the plastic window to save on heating

Have you ever tried to save money using little tricks that most of your friends are not even aware of? Agree, it's nice to know something that others do not know, and even use it for your own benefit. In fact, there are a lot of such “secrets”, but there is one obvious life hack that few people know about.

One of the most significant items of expenses in the cold season is the heating charge. But did you know that you can save some money on this just by turning the screw on your window? Yes, this is quite real, just look closely at the frame and you will see something that will allow you to save money and spend it on what you really need.

Pressure adjustment screws

Few people know that in some windows with thermal break and double-glazed windows there is a function of regulating the internal pressure depending on the season.

Most installers forget to warn new owners about the function of pressure adjusting screws, so few people realize their usefulness. Screws are a special mechanism that allows you to "fit" the windows for better adaptation to summer or winter temperatures. They are located at the edges of aluminum and PVC windows.

Thus, turning them, we can increase or decrease the pressure between the glasses.


There are various models of adjusting screws, some can be manually controlled, but most of them require a star or hex key, sometimes screwdrivers.

When the screw rotates, it moves along its axis, changing the pressure.

How will this help to save?

In winter, to prevent the leakage of heat from the inside or the penetration of cold outside into the house, it is worth increasing the pressure. In summer, pressure should decrease to compensate for the expansion of materials due to heat.

This will help you save on heating, as it will not be wasted going through windows. The correct position of the screws at certain times of the year ensuring the necessary pressure, insulation and heat conservation efficiency all year round.

In addition to adjusting the windows at each change of season, experts recommend lubricating the screws, this can be done once a year with the oil that you usually lubricate the door with.

In such a simple way, you can save money that you would spend on heating. Many people who could use this life hack for a long time simply do not know about the existence of pressure adjustment screws on their windows. On the Internet you can find many instructional videos that demonstrate how to work with this mechanism.

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