
A friend shared a rare plot from Vanga to an egg to attract money. He says the way helped her a lot.

Recently, a friend came to visit me and shared how she managed to get a promotion and improve her financial situation. The event in her life happened completely unexpectedly, because where my girlfriend works, career advancement is extremely rare, and on the contrary, many employees can’t stand it for half a year, leaving their own free will.

Girlish secrets

As soon as we sat down at a table and poured ourselves a cup of tea, a friend told me in a whisper: “Do you want to - believe it, you want to - no, but the promotion was not without reason. Not so long ago, I performed a magic ritual, which helped me achieve success. " As a person who is skeptical of such rites, I certainly did not believe in such a miracle.

Raising money through conspiracy

As it turned out, my friend, tired of financial problems and routine work, decided to take the help of higher forces and go to extreme measures. After spending a lot of time on the pages of the World Wide Web, she still found a conspiracy for money, which she thought was the most effective. The plot was from the Bulgarian healer Vanga, and that was all for her. In order to verify the effectiveness of the method, a friend decided to immediately test it for herself.

Conducting a ritual

Magical actions that allow a person to open invisible energy channels to attract long-awaited events and positive emotions are called rituals. To conduct such a rite, a friend prepared a chicken egg, a plate of triangular shape and three coins of 10 cents in advance. She also needed three church candles, which she acquired the day before in the temple.

Having placed the coins in the corners of the plate with the eagle down, a friend put candles on them, and placed the egg in the center of the dishes.

As soon as all preparations were completed, she uttered the following words exactly 33 times:

“In a clean meadow, a white chicken laid an egg, laid a cash egg, and the chicken added money. And he who takes and eats an egg, he will not know more evil and will become rich. I walked in the meadow, a servant of God (name), walked. I found an egg and ate it. And I did not forget to thank our Lord for the gift sent. Now, wealth will not go away from me. Amen".

After pronouncing these words, a friend put candles on the stove, boiled the hard-boiled egg, broke it on her forehead and said: “I break the egg against myself, thereby taking its benefit for myself”.

This story of a friend at first aroused my distrust, but not so long ago, and her husband received a large bonus to wages. I do not think this is a coincidence. The same rite helps people gain inner harmony and good fortune, makes life complete and harmonious, endowing them with a sense of calm and balance.

The knowledge of the Bulgarian clairvoyant continues to benefit and help people, even despite the fact that she herself has not been with us for a long time. Conspiracies and rituals of Vanga help many to get rid of lack of money, return luck and give good luck in any endeavors. With their help, families connect, children are born, people get rid of many diseases and begin life from scratch.

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