
Psychologist Marisa Garau gives practical advice on how to overcome stress at work. Mandatory breaks, status monitoring and more

Work and stress are natural links in the same chain that, if not properly controlled, can lead a person to prolonged depression. Systematic overload, tense atmosphere and constant reasons for excitement create fertile ground for undermining the psychological state, which affects physical health against the background of a general weakening of the immune system.

It is impossible to completely eliminate stress factors, one way or another they appear and will appear in the life of any person. But you can develop a strategy for defensive reactions that will minimize the destructive factors or even reduce them to zero. The psychologist Marisa Garau is successfully working in this direction, who knows from her own experience the difficulties of emotional exhaustion, when the only way out is to refuse a career. However, she did not give up and developed several universal methods of dealing with stress.

Turn on breaks

Garau suggests taking small breaks after each completed task. The duration may be short, because the tasks themselves will be simple - for example, making a phone call, sending an important message, drawing up a report, etc. Just a few minutes of distraction from the workflow will bring down the general emotional pressure, which will increase as you complete critical tasks.

What should be done during the break? Garau’s advice is to proceed from a specific situation with the goal of distracting from business and unloading the brain. It is advisable to leave the workplace and take several steps, paying attention, for example, to the view from the window.

Attention to colleagues

The environment and, in particular, the psychological state of colleagues often becomes the very source of stress that is transmitted as a virus. The negative energy of one employee can find different forms of exit, so it makes sense to stop it in time, paying a little attention to a colleague.

The manifestation of compassion in itself is important for oneself and others, as it cultivates an atmosphere of love and kindness. And most importantly, compassion gives a high chance of practical assistance to an employee who is in a difficult situation. In such forms of interaction, there is no place for stressful and depressive states, since both sides are charged with positive energy.

Own state control

As already noted, situations that provoke stress will in any case arise. A failed transaction, unsuccessful negotiations, an error in the same report - these are all usual components in labor activity, which every employee encounters in one way or another, in principle, being active.

But it is important to properly respond to such situations, which will help self-control. The principle of controlling emotions is that it is important to pay attention not so much to sensations as to actual fact. Work on mistakes is right, and worrying about failure is a false path that will not lead to the eradication of the same error, but will make a person less confident.

Respect for energy spent

It is important to completely reconsider your attitude to work tasks and affairs. They should be faceless and equivalent in terms of emotional attitude towards them.Prioritization, determination of important and secondary tasks, planning and scheduling of tasks are strategically correct approaches in terms of the technical organization of work. But in everything that concerns the sphere of emotional experience, on the basis of which stress arises, the tasks that must be perceived with indifference. For example, do not worry about a project that was not completed at a certain time. The forces and energy invested in it must be appreciated and respected, the next time making even more efforts, which will allow solving problems even more efficiently.

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