
In the new office, I wanted to set a table by the window. My lucky colleague advised a completely different place

Office premises, as well as rooms in the house, must be equipped on the basis of Feng Shui rules. This allows you to improve the working atmosphere, and also positively affects the energy of each person. I wanted to put my desktop directly at the window, but a more successful colleague advised me to choose a more suitable place for this piece of furniture. She argues that the rules for arranging furniture and accessories directly affect the success, mood and results of work. To attract luck, you need to properly equip your workplace in the office.

Cabinet color

It is important not only to correctly choose the home decoration, but also to determine their color, paying attention to the shades of the table, chair and other elements. Color should not be too bright and tiring. Walls should be painted in light and neutral shades, so materials for beige, gray, blue or yellow are chosen for walls and flooring.

The walls next to the front door should be made of stone or wood, and you can also use the appropriate finish. It is such a competent repair that allows you to tune into the working mood in the morning.

For the working room, it is not recommended to use decorative materials of cornflower blue, turquoise or cobalt color, since such shades lead to apathy and laziness. You should not choose cold shades, since they do not allow you to think creatively. To prevent energy depletion during the working day, it is advisable to abandon the red or pink tint.

Rules for arranging home decoration

Since workers cannot influence what materials will be used in the process of decorating the premises, they must correctly arrange the furniture that they use during their activities.

To do this, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Workers should not sit with their backs to the front door.
  • For the work to be calm and productive, each person must see who exactly enters the room, otherwise they will have to constantly turn around and be in suspense.
  • If the office has several doors, the table should be positioned so that the employee can see the openings by turning his head.
  • It is advisable to use the outlines of the Bagua octagon during furniture placement.
  • It is not recommended to install the table directly opposite the door, as it is better to shift it a little to the side.
  • To attract wealth, success and demand, it is advisable to turn the table to the southeast.
  • You can not put a table next to the western window.

If all employees of the same office adhere to the above recommendations, then it is possible to competently equip a room in a short period of time, which will contribute to efficient work.

What do not need to buy?

When choosing office furniture, you need to refuse to buy some interior items. These include:

  • tables with any irregular or non-standard shapes;
  • products equipped with numerous sharp corners;
  • L-shaped or U-shaped structures;
  • cabinets that do not have doors, since due to the presence of open shelves negative energy appears, which negatively affects the productivity of the work;
  • bulky or uncomfortable furniture that does not fit the size of the existing room.

Workers should work exclusively at their desks using office chairs, which are necessarily equipped with a comfortable back. In a comfortably furnished office, any person will achieve success in work, and also, if necessary, will be able to relax.

How to use accessories?

Some company executives are sure that there should be no accessories in the office, as they can interfere with the working atmosphere. But in fact, several elements can be identified that positively affect the productivity of employees.

These include:

  • Potted flowers will fill the room with a lot of oxygen, so workers will not suffer from constant headache or depression, and office decoration is also provided.
  • Pictures will be able to decorate the room, as well as cheer up workers and customers, but it is advisable to choose images with waterfalls, the sea, ponds or a green field.
  • Motivating posters can be a little sarcastic, and with their help, you can build relationships between management and hired professionals.

It is not always advisable to completely abandon accessories, since with their help it is possible to defuse the situation and improve the creative thinking of workers.


In the process of arranging an office space, it is advisable to adhere to some Feng Shui rules in order to tune into a business spirit. At the same time, you can attract luck and prosperity, which is especially important for people who want to move up the career ladder. You need to pay attention to the choice of office furniture itself, its arrangement and color.

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