
In the UK you should write a letter of thanks: what are the rules of etiquette during an interview in different countries

Each country has its own rules of etiquette, which must be followed by applicants who wish to find work in a company. Therefore, if a Russian wants to work in a foreign company, then he needs to be well versed in the rules of conduct during an interview. This will provide a positive impression on the potential employer. It is the first impression that is most important, so the decision made by the owner of the company or the head of the human resources department depends on it.


The French prefer to conduct interviews with applicants directly during lunch. This allows you to combine useful communication with potential employees with a meal. At the same time, people should keep their hands only on the table, and not on their knees. It is important to constantly pour wine to your potential boss, showing respect.


Russians prefer to formalize themselves, so at the end of a telephone conversation, people just hang up. When communicating with colleagues or counterparty representatives, people do not communicate on personal topics, therefore, after discussing working issues, they simply end the conversation. After the transaction is completed, you can simply hang up, and this will not be considered rude.

Great Britain

In England, people use a good habit, as they send letters of thanks to their interlocutors after the interview. In these letters, the applicants thank the company representatives for the time taken, and also confirm the presence of interest in employment. If there is no such letter of thanks, then the employer is sure that the citizen is not interested in work.


Here, interviewers prefer to ask direct questions that are considered rude in other countries. This is due to the fact that the Dutch are open and honest people who easily share personal opinions on different issues.


In this country, people during the interview always remain natural. They can communicate at a business lunch for 4 hours.


Applicants must adhere to numerous etiquette requirements. Before entering the room where the interviewers are expecting, the Japanese must knock three times. One hit on the door is done only when checking the toilet.


Italian people trying to find work very carefully monitor their appearance, and employers also require knowledge of the Italian language from applicants. Therefore, a Russian can get a job only in the absence of a language barrier and the presence of an attractive appearance.


To get a job, you need to prepare an introductory speech in which the applicant informs potential employers about their abilities, capabilities and skills. You need to eat only with your right hand, if communication with interviewers will take place at lunch, as the left hand is considered dirty.

Hong Kong

Before attending an interview, you need to carefully consider a business outfit that matches the policy of the selected company. No need to wink or point your finger at the interviewers.


To get a well-paid job and highlighting among other applicants, smart citizens make a short presentation, thank the interlocutors for their time, and also discuss the achievements of the chosen organization. Americans prefer facts and simplicity, so you need to show what benefit a potential employee can bring to a firm.


Applicants should prepare for a friendly pat on the back or shoulder, as conversations are usually expressive, joyful, and take place in a peaceful and fun environment.


Before you give a hand to the representative of the anti-submarine sex, you need to wait until a person independently reaches out.


During the interview you need to keep your hands close to your body, and also keep your back perfectly straight. You need to speak in a calm and confident voice. You do not need to show a lot of emotions when you first communicate with a person. It is not recommended to look straight into the eyes of strangers.


In this country, people communicate in the same way as in the USA. Therefore, they openly talk about their achievements and preferences, but avoid too bright manifestations of emotions.


At work, you need to avoid some unpleasant words, as well as curses. Although company executives can openly mock job seekers.


During the first communication with a potential employer, personal contacts should be avoided. You should not put too much effort into shaking hands. If communication takes place by phone or the Internet, then initially you need to talk about business, and only after that you can talk about personal issues.


Each country has its own rules of etiquette, which seem to Russians quite strange and unusual. But if a Russian citizen plans to work in a foreign country, then he must study in advance the rules for finding a place for employment. Only in this case can you have a positive impression on the potential employer.

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