
I started saving and saving when I accustomed myself to 3 techniques: phased saving, money from bad habits, etc.

Without a skill like saving, you will always have to live in debt and depend on the mercy of banks. But learning how to save money is also not as easy as we would like. Purposefulness, discipline are needed. Fortunately, experienced people have long come up with a lot of life hacks that make the process easier, turn it into something like a game. I share with you three ways that have taken root with me and help to save finances on major purchases and travels.

Snowball Method (Phased Savings)

It is most convenient to use this technique within the framework of the year, for example, to save so much on vacation. The point is to save a little more money each next week, because all this is called the snowball method - the process is progressing. For example, in the first week you set the task to set aside 50 rubles, next week - already 100, then - 150. In the last week of the year, you will need to set aside 2600 rubles. As a result, you will save 68 900 rubles. On vacation for one is a pretty decent amount. In this method, regularity is important, it is impossible to spend deferred money in any case. If you want to save more money, increase the size of the starting amount. If, on the contrary, it is difficult for you, reduce the amount or save not every week, but every month.

It is most convenient for this purpose to open a replenished deposit for a period of one year, so you will additionally receive interest from the bank. At the same time, the year does not have to start from January, even from July 30, the main thing is that it be a whole year.

Percentage of each purchase

This method allows you to not only save money regularly, but also to track your expenses. You can decide to put aside a small percentage of each completed purchase, for example, 10%. If, for example, your monthly expenses are 20,000 rubles, then 2000 will go into savings. This method is very simple, moreover, many banks offer a convenient service for its automation. For example, Sberbank suggests connecting the “Piggy Bank” option, thanks to which, a percentage of each purchase will be transferred to your savings account automatically.

Turning Bad Habits into Savings

This is a way to save money, and to develop certain qualities in yourself. For example, if you are regularly late for work, but want to wean yourself from this, then for each delay you can “fine” yourself with an unspecified amount. “Put yourself on the counter” can be for anything: missed training in the gym, eaten beyond measure sweets, late dinners, etc.

You can transform the technique a little, use it in order to wean yourself to buy unnecessary things. Suppose you go to a shopping center, you see a blouse there. You like it, but at the same time you understand that, in principle, this blouse is not really needed, you have a lot of clothes. If you prudently refrain from buying, then the saved amount can be immediately transferred to a savings account. And so with any purchases: takeaway coffee that you didn’t really want to drink for the company, a pretty bauble, another lipstick or nail polish.

When after a month of experiment you look into your savings account and see how much you sent there, you will realize how much money is flowing out of your pocket for all these seemingly inexpensive, but not really necessary things.

So that you are not bored, change the methods, so you can keep the feeling of novelty and game longer.

Important addition

From my own experience I want to add that the methods themselves, no matter how wonderful and funny they may be, will not work if you do not have a clear goal. Saving for the sake of economy or some abstract idea does not work for any, even the most volitional person. A bright and incendiary target should lead you forward, and the equipment is already being selected for it.

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Tatyana❆ ღ❆ Aleksandrovna❦
Thank you very much for the article. Very original, affordable and it seems to me-effective!


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