
A familiar psychologist said which professions are most often divorced. Among them are masseurs, bartenders, librarians

You are in love and therefore cherish every minute spent with a dear person. However, this sweet excitement eventually goes away. Soon you will probably be stuck in an everyday routine, often filled with annoyance and domestic problems. Most often, this leads to dissatisfaction with personal life. Adds problems and work.

This may seem pretty crazy, but marriage is often greatly affected by stress caused by certain professions. Unfortunately, these factors often lead to a dead end, namely, to divorce. Today we suggest you learn about 10 professions that have already put an end to many relationships.

Firefighters have a divorce rate of about 14.1%

Although many children do not stop dreaming of becoming a firefighter, in fact it is a rather dangerous job. It cannot be denied that the profession of a firefighter can lead to serious injury or even death in the line of duty. After all, it is not surprising why this is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Every day, these people leave the house, ready to sacrifice their lives in order to save someone else's. It must be very difficult to maintain a healthy relationship when your partner works in such a dangerous area.

Technicians have a 16% risk of being alone

It is not joke. It seems that it’s difficult for technicians to maintain a healthy relationship. These workers are often overwhelmed with business because they need to solve many technical problems in various fields, such as research and development. In addition, engineers often help scientists. Thus, in order to do their job flawlessly, specialists must be 100% focused and dedicated to their work. This means that they cannot fully devote themselves to any person because of employment, as their thoughts are constantly busy with work.

Librarians have a divorce rate of 16.03%

The work of librarians is quite complicated, like any other. In fact, this is responsible work, which includes compiling records, searching for library materials, registering regular visitors in the system, and so on. However, this profession is unlikely to suit you if you want to earn a lot. The average salary of a library worker is 10-15 thousand.

Carpenters - 17.5%

Often they experience emotional stress, as well as physical and mental exhaustion. Work requires a lot of physical effort, which means that they must feel the support of their family. Who does not want to feel necessary and valuable?

Car service workers - 17.42%

This field of activity takes a lot of personal time, so it is logical that there is hardly a place for a partner. These specialists often work more than 5 days a week. The worst part is that these guys can work more than 8 hours a day. Add a chaotic schedule and an intensive workflow here, and you will understand why the divorce rate fluctuates at the level of 17%.

Office and administrative workers face divorce in 19.85% of cases

To say that the manager’s work is simple would be a complete lie. Only those who have worked in this field can understand how hard and tiring it is. The specialist must quickly solve problems, communicate a lot and so on. Sometimes it can be debilitating.

Nurses and medical workers - 20.56%

Think about the professional responsibilities of any nurse. They must be not only 100% professionals, but also bear a heavy burden on their shoulders. Naturally, each profession requires a certain level of responsibility. Nevertheless, the professional duties of a medical professional certainly go beyond our imagination. These specialists fulfill their duties in the most difficult conditions. This leads to depression and increased anxiety, and such a condition can completely destroy the relationship.

Masseurs - 38.22% of divorces

Your favorite massage therapist can live a pretty lonely life. These people face divorce in 38.22% of cases, which is certainly higher than in most professions. It is fairly easy to understand why everything happens this way. First of all, let's not forget that massage therapists work with their own hands. The thought of touching someone else's body is quite painful for any jealous person. Now you know why massage therapists are often single or divorced.

Bartenders have an incredible divorce rate of 38.43%

For the most part, bartenders are next to people who drink alcohol. These guys should be at the center of everything. An ideal candidate for this job should have a certain set of skills - the ability to serve alcohol, prepare cocktails, be polite, patient and sociable. However, those bartenders who are in a relationship are doomed to have problems with their partner. In most cases, they have a rather chaotic work schedule, so they do not always know when they will return home from work. Sometimes they stay in the bar until late until the last visitor leaves. This can affect a relationship badly.

Dancers and choreographers - 43.05%

This is one of the most interesting profession. But in this area there are a lot of gossip, dramas and scandals. On the one hand, women should look attractive and sexy during the dance. The moment they appear on stage, they become artists. This is only part of their job. If you add a busy schedule, including a bunch of trips, then their partner will not be thrilled. Some jealous guys would not be very happy to know that their beautiful soulmate is a dancer. Now you can imagine the reaction of such a jealous person. Ultimately, it always comes down to the common goals of the relationship, such as understanding and trust. Unfortunately, a very missing element in most pairs.

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