
Health certificate in the form 086 / y: how to get

To enter a university, college or just go to work, a person must first go through a medical commission. During it, a citizen will be issued a certificate of health status. This is an extremely important component, which is indispensable. Next, we will talk about where and how to get the appropriate form. What you need to remember about the medical board for reference form 086 / y? How long does this paper work? The answers to all this and not only will be surely discovered below! With the right approach to solving the problem will be able to cope with it in the shortest possible time.health certificate

Document form

A certificate of the state of human health takes a certain form. More precisely, there are several of them. We will consider the most important and common paper - form 086 / y.

This document is printed on a special "medical" form. Help contains detailed information about the current state of health of the patient. It is fixed by the signature of the therapist and the seal of the medical institution.

Who needs

In what cases can help 086 / y come in handy? There are several scenarios.

Most often, this form is required:

  • at employment (can be replaced by form 302n);
  • for admission to college;
  • at the time of applying for admission to the university.

These are the most common situations in which a certificate of human health is required. In particular, the child. But how to get it? And what does it contain?help 086 y

About the contents of the document

As you might guess, this paper reflects the state of health of the patient. More precisely, the following information will be written in it:

  • Name of citizen;
  • place and city of birth;
  • information about examinations by specialists;
  • chronic and transferred diseases;
  • patient analysis data.

Also in the certificate of health will be the signature of the head physician of the medical institution with a conclusion. Here you can see the seal of the organization.

Where to go for paper

Where can a health certificate be requested? To answer this question definitely will not work. And this is quite normal.

The thing is that citizens can request form 086 / from:

  • in state clinics;
  • in medical budget organizations with outpatient departments;
  • in private multidisciplinary centers and laboratories.

Where exactly to go? Everyone should answer this question independently. If you do not want to pay for examinations, you will have to go to state clinics. Otherwise, it is recommended to give preference to private clinics.health certificate


In general, obtaining a health certificate can be divided into 2 large components - examinations by medical specialists, as well as passing tests. Let's start with the first stage.

To get help 086 / y, you need to go to an appointment with the following specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • oculist;
  • ENT;
  • surgeon;
  • endocrinologist;
  • therapist.

This is usually enough. In some cases, the patient may be referred to other specialists. But, as a rule, this does not happen in practice.

Assays for reference

As we already said, the patient will also have to pass a series of tests. Without them, a certificate of the child’s health status will not be issued.

Mandatory analyzes include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ECG;
  • fluorogram.

Nothing more is needed. As is the case with doctors, the list of tests can be supplemented depending on the results of the studies. Narrow specialists are sent to them individually.

child health certificate


How much is a health certificate? There is no exact answer to this question. It all depends on many factors. For example, from the region in which the citizen lives.

You can either not pay for passing the commission of the established form or give about 2000 rubles. It is about obtaining a certificate through state medical institutions.

In private clinics, the cost of the studied paper varies from 2.5 to 15 thousand rubles. More accurate information is recommended to clarify in a particular clinic.

Order of registration

A few words about how exactly you can get a health certificate in the form 086 / y. It is enough to follow some algorithm of actions.

It looks like this:

  1. Collect the documents necessary for recording on the commission. We will review their list later.
  2. Take tests. It is better to start with this step.
  3. Visit previously listed doctors.
  4. Go to the therapist for an opinion on the state of health.
  5. Put a stamp on the certificate with the head physician.

It is done. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. Especially if you seek help from private medical centers. Then the design of the studied paper will take no more than a few days.


Below you can see a sample certificate of health status of a citizen. This form is used quite often. All applicants and school graduates are familiar with it.health certificate sample

Some schools independently organize 11-graders passing the commission of the established form. Therefore, it is often not necessary to think about obtaining a certificate of the patient’s health status.


We have reviewed all the important information regarding obtaining Form 086 / y. This document is in some cases replaced by form 302n. In fact, we are talking about the same papers.

The studied documentation has no features. It simply reflects the state of human health and confirms the citizen’s lack of contraindications for training / work in the chosen direction. In addition, thanks to the form 086 / у, upon admission, the applicant will be able to choose the type of physical education lessons. Some citizens are shown only exercise therapy. And this is important to consider. Otherwise, the training will negatively affect the health of the student.

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