Children's sofas with sides for children 3 years

Parents always try to give their baby the best, therefore, choosing a bed, they try to make the model not only beautiful, but also comfortable, because the sleeping place is what the child will use daily.

Our industry produces many options for children's sofas with sides for children from 3 years. All models are different in size, in shape, there are also so-called transforming beds, which can “grow” with the child.

The equipment of a children's room with a modern twist begins with choosing a bed, upholstering it with materials of natural origin, selecting a special orthopedic mattress that will maintain the correct posture of the baby.

About the advantages and disadvantages

Before you choose one of the models, you need to find out everything about it in detail, including possible shortcomings. Most often, the choice of a bed where parents are going to equip the children's room of their offspring falls on the bed as a transformer, a bunk or corner structure.But there are also models with sides, and this is the best option for a three-year-old baby, and this bed will decorate any children's interior.

What are the advantages of children's sofas with sides:

  1. First of all, it is, of course, the safety of the child, because it is thanks to the bumpers that he will not fall in a sleepy state, and thanks to them he will be safely sheltered from drafts, if they walk around the apartment.
  2. When the baby has grown up and his first bed is already small for him, parents have to think that it’s time to replace the bed, and it’s better not to find a sofa with better sides.
  3. All models are very compact, so the space of the children's room is distributed very efficiently.
  4. In a wide range of many sofas with sides for both girls and boys.
  5. For all the sofas, the frame of the whole structure is very durable and will last for a long time, and it is very easy to assemble and disassemble the sofa.
  6. These sleeping items are not cheap, because each of the models has a frame and upholstery made of improved materials, and this is a guarantee that the product can be used for a long time.
  7. The sides, as it were, block the child’s sleeping place from the rest of the room, creating a cozy and pleasant atmosphere for sleeping.

Not without flaws:

  1. For comfort, the sofa loses beds.
  2. The sofa will have to constantly lay out, then fold.
  3. If the model is inexpensive, most likely, it will not last long.


For this age group, sofas are made of three types:

  • transformers;
  • for girls;
  • for boys.

The most popular beds, starting with a crib or a cradle for a newborn and ending with models for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, are necessarily somehow related to characters from cartoons. The girls have their own preferences in this regard, the boys have their own, but they are always the heroes that they love (in the case of newborns, those that their parents loved).


In the room of a little girl, bright accents are recommended against the background of pastel shades. You can also supplement the overall design with an elegant canopy - as a rule, girls like it a lot. After all, babies like to consider their bed as a bed for the princess, which means tulle canopy and bed linen with lace - this is exactly what you need.

But besides the fact that it looks beautiful, the canopy will protect the baby during sleep from bright light. But no matter how many accessories you add to the nursery for a girl, they should always be kept in the same style.

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The boys

The boys from an early age begin to get involved in cars, and therefore the crib in this way will be very happy. Here, there are fantasy designers, where to roam, a sports car can become a crib, and maybe the characters from your favorite “Wheelbarrows”, and the sides, of course - this will also be some part of the car. A little man will be very comfortable and interesting in such a bed.

The sofa bed, on which the sides are installed by the manufacturer, usually has the design of a book or an accordion, sometimes - click-click. In such models, the bumpers are installed once and for all, their position does not change.

If it is a corner sofa, then it provides a mechanism for unfolding, called a "dolphin." Under his seat is a special element that extends and rises with the handle. This design is designed for heavy weight, so it is suitable not only for a child, but also for an adult.

Differences in sofas also depend on the material from which the frame is made:

  • wooden;
  • metal.

The model with a wooden frame will be eco-friendly and safe for the child. It has an attractive appearance, and if it is properly looked after, it will be able to serve for a long time.A frame made of natural wood: oak or birch will be expensive, and not all parents will be able to afford such a purchase.

As an option, manufacturers replace natural wood with another material: chipboard or MDF. Models of cheaper materials are also very beautifully designed by designers, they are produced in different colors and in different forms. But metal frames are not very readily bought, because there is always a chance that a child may accidentally be injured about it.


The shape and parameters of the sofa are selected depending on the particular place in the room it will stand. The sides can be of the following types:

  • the sides are located only on one half of the sofa, that is, the sleeping place is not fully enclosed, but only partially. This is convenient for the grown-up baby, who will be more comfortable getting out of the crib;
  • the sides are on all sides, that is, the entire sleeping place is completely enclosed, which is ideal for the little man in terms of safety during sleep. Only now you have to come to terms with the fact that each time you have to overcome obstacles to get up after sleep;
  • standard layout, installed by the manufacturer and never changing their place. Such sides can be two, like a regular sofa, or two more additional, designed for greater safety and comfortable sleep of the child. These are not modular models with unchanging components;
  • removable bumpers. They are very convenient to manage the space on the couch: during the day it is a place to play, and at night it is a safe and comfortable sleeping place.

Upholstery materials

Most of all, children love sofas with soft sides, and this is understandable, because they have a beautiful rounded shape, pleasant to the touch, and if you suddenly knock on it, it will not be too painful.

Wooden sides are good because, unlike fabric upholstery, they do not require special care and regular cleaning.

Upholstery on children's furniture should be from natural material and practical for use. The most common upholstery:

  • from tapestry;
  • from flock;
  • from chenille;
  • from cotton;
  • from flax.

The practicality of tapestry and chenille is very much appreciated, because these are breathable natural fibers. If such a fabric turns out to be soiled, there will not be a big problem with cleaning it.The best upholstery will be made of these natural materials or with a little addition of synthetics to them.

Synthetic fibers have a lower durability and are harder to remove stains that children can leave.

Cotton and linen products are also an excellent choice when it comes to children's sofas with side walls for children 3 years old. A child’s sleep on such an upholstery will be healthy and the heat transfer correct.

Velor is a poor choice to use it as an upholstery material, because it will be erased quickly and it is difficult to remove stains from it.

Leather and leather substitutes are good for a sofa in the living room, and not recommended for a child’s room. In addition, genuine leather is not cheap stuff, but in the nursery it can quickly become useless: either scissors in a child’s palm will inadvertently walk over it, or paints will spill on it, or after playing with a kitten on it Scratches will remain ...

The form

The children's sofa should have rounded corners and not be cumbersome, so as not to take up much space in the room, it should remain for outdoor games.

Sofas for three-year-olds are of the following types:

  • straight, the most common sofas of standard shape, transformers or retractable;
  • corner sofas in the nursery take infrequently, they are too bulky and suitable only for a large room;
  • square-shaped sofas, they are usually made with sides that have smooth lines;
  • most loved children direct models in the form of cars or animals.

The sofa is selected, focusing on the selected theme and style of the nursery. This piece of children's furniture should look bright and colorful so that the baby’s room is fun and cozy for him. And a sofa with a resizable size is for parents saving money to buy a new sofa for their fast-growing baby in two or three years.

The size

What size to buy a bed for a child can be determined by the parameters of the growth of the child and his physique. It should be borne in mind that at the feet and at the head it is necessary to add another 20 cm to the height of the baby. The width of the bed for a three-year-old should be at least 60 cm with a length of 140 cm. This is not unfolded, but that it can be more is for growth.

There should be enough space on the couch so that you can tinker there during the day and make it comfortable to sleep at night.

How to choose

  1. For children from 3 years, choose a model that has a mattress is either hard or medium in stiffness. This is necessary for the proper formation of the anatomical structure of the child's body. Check that there are no dents or projections on the surface of the mattress.
  2. The best models - with sides and having a wooden frame. They are environmentally friendly and safe.
  3. Check the strength of the upholstery, whether all parts of the frame are hidden, whether the assembly is of high quality.
  4. Upholstery should be strong enough and easy to clean.
  5. The growth parameters of the child should be in the correct ratio with the parameters of the bed.
  6. Choose such a design of a sofa that your kid likes, and consider that pastel shades will have a calming effect on the child's psyche.
  7. The selected model must be strong enough, with strong and reliable mechanisms and with rounded corners.
  8. The sofa transformer can be considered as an ideal choice, its folding parts can be used for a full sleep, and during the game.
  9. If the children's room is a small area, choose a sofa for the child, which has drawers.There you can hide a lot of children's toys and things, thus relieving the close space of the room.
  10. A three-year-old child should be laid on a sofa standing against the wall, so that the cold wall does not touch him - it’s good if it is separated from the sofa by a side.
  11. Choose furniture for your child from well-known manufacturers, from natural material and with a design that is fairly easy to understand.
  12. You can not make your choice by yourself - contact your dealer and he will help you.
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Living room