Children's bed house

Every day you can easily turn your children into a fairy tale - give them a bed in the form of a house!

Purchased in a shop or hand-made, this multifunctional design will fill the life of the baby and his friends with real magic, sporting achievements and educational adventures. After all, equipping his bed house, the child will be able to create a personal space there - a special world of favorite things, toys, books and fantasies, the entrance to which he will regulate.

And exploring the possibilities of a house-bed and inventing new games, the kid will unknowingly begin to comprehend the basics of gymnastics and climbing, will be able to develop coordination and creative thinking, learn hospitality and quickly get used to restore order in his personal home. Because every evening a wonderful house for entertainment will magically turn into a cozy and beloved bed, where you definitely want to continue your journey to a fairy tale already in sweet dreams.

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Features and benefits

Considering the models of cots in the form of houses, parents immediately notice their diversity, originality, functionality and opportunities for an active pastime and a quiet, pleasant stay for their children. The great potential for harmonious development, the formation of the child’s personality and at the same time the strengthening of his health, laid by the designers in modern cot-beds, is also noted by child psychologists. They also pay special attention to the importance of forming a personal space for a small person and delineating his own circle of influence on events and people, in which multifunctional beds in the form of houses also help.

By the way, doing their decoration, girls and boys will be able to show their creative abilities and sense of style. By placing their toys and things in secret corners or on the open shelves of the bed-crowbar, the children will learn ergonomics and accuracy. Children of any age will gladly climb up and down the bed in the form of a house, showing flexibility and wonders of agility and strengthening muscles. And rolling down the hill and climbing a tightrope or mini-climbing wall, they will train not only balance, orientation in space and logic, but also self-confidence.However, some adults mistakenly believe that these useful cot-houses will take up too much space in the nursery, and therefore opt for standard beds.

In fact, cot-houses are not as large as they seem. They greatly help save space and significantly increase the usable area of ​​the room. And they also create in the nursery a unique atmosphere, comfort and positive mood. Compared with the usual place to sleep, beds with houses are increased only in height, and sports equipment and additional game modules are equipped at the request of buyers and, importantly, also quite compact.

Creating beds in the form of houses, the designers take into account the preferences and wishes of the kids, as well as the need to ergonomically place everything they need for games and recreation. But special attention is paid to parental requests for practicality, convenience, safety of use of such furniture structures and ease of caring for them. In the cot beds, everything is thought out to the smallest detail and grown-up: parts made of environmentally friendly materials and without sharp corners, metal ties with an excessive margin of safety and the obligatory reliable attachment to the wall of the assembled structure.In addition, most models of cots in the form of houses are easily transformed and "grow" with the child - it is enough to replace, remove or add modules.

In the Russian market, interior designers and furniture manufacturers offer children's beds, houses of various shapes, colors and thematic modifications of environmentally friendly hypoallergenic materials - wood, its various types of solid wood or durable plywood. Some models include comfortable children’s tables and chairs for games and activities, open and closed storage racks, dressers of unusual shapes and sizes, colorful chests and shelves. All these modules help kids systematize things, bring up their aesthetic taste and teach them about order and discipline.

High-quality beds in the form of houses are first manufactured according to individual design projects. Then, the most interesting solutions are thoroughly checked by experts for safety and durability and are actively being tested by the ubiquitous children. And only then the most popular models are released for mass sale. Today it is safe to say that Russian furniture makers are quite capable of transforming an ordinary bed from a simple bed into the realization of the most cherished child's dream.And parents will definitely be able to choose exactly that cot-house, which their child will definitely like and will help to make his small world big, unique, original, important and fun at the same time.


It’s easy to choose a bed in the form of a house for one baby - all you need is to know its fabulous or animated tastes and color preferences. But to arrange beds with a house for two or three children, especially if they are of different sex and age, is much more difficult - most parents think so. And in vain: the problem can arise only with the limited area of ​​the room, but not with the variety of options that designers and manufacturers of children's furniture offer.

Two, three, four or even more beds, fixed at different heights and at different angles, can themselves become interesting and functional parts of a multi-storey building for young family members. And in order to please everyone at once, you can opt for a bed house in a minimalist style, but with bright details.


A children's bed with a house is not just a creative interior solution.For a child, a bed-house is a complex multi-level construction, on which he will not only sleep, but also move a lot and actively. Therefore, the bed in the form of a house must be safe and secure. And this means that during her choice in the store, and even more so when self-made, parents should clearly follow the proverb about “measure a hundred times”. First of all, you should pay attention to the materials that make up the bed with a house for your child.

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Without a doubt, the best option is a wooden cottage: it is beautiful, durable and practical. It is also environmentally friendly - if natural wood waxes are used for finishing wooden surfaces or non-toxic water-based paints (which is usually indicated in the product quality certificate). The reliability of such a bed-house provides a high density of the wood structure of its structures, additionally reinforced with metal rods inserted inside. This allows each children's sleeping place to withstand significant weight loads - up to 120 kg. Fasteners for wooden bed-houses are usually made of high-strength steel and carefully riveted, although there are also models with wrought iron fittings - when design requires it.

Not surprisingly, wooden children's beds in the form of a house are usually the most expensive. But, you see, the living energy of a real tree, which every day charges your child with a positive, is well worth it. A more modest option is a bed with a house of timber and plywood, which is usually used to make roofs, walls and various mounted structures (fences, shutters and doors). And the cheapest beds will be plastic or chipboard houses, but their hypoallergenic and quality should be checked especially carefully.

How to choose

For a successful choice of a children's bed with a house, it is important to correctly evaluate its functionality - both for the child and for the adult, who will have to keep it clean and fill the bed every day. Both you and the children should be not only pleasant, but also comfortable to use the cot. And also to the maximum use of all its constituent modules, including work and play areas, storage places for clothes and toys, and, of course, the bed itself.

Standard designs of cots in the form of houses can be closed or open. The most functional is the closed version, suggesting the presence of a roof over the headboard of a berth, dense walls and fences. It is even possible to carry out lighting to them.The open construction of the bed-house only simulates the walls and the roof, but it looks lighter and does not clutter the space of the children's room.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of the cloth used to equip the children's cot-cottage and for upholstering its soft details. Preference is given to dense, smooth, non-obtrusive and dyed fabrics that do not cause allergies and static stress.

It is better to select the color scheme of the bed with the house to the overall design of the children's room, or to build it in contrasts. In any case, before choosing a bed house, you should consult with the main expert in this matter - your child. Then the bed you have purchased or built in the form of a house will definitely become his favorite place to play and sleep.

Interesting solutions in interior design

The smallest children aged 2-3 years, as well as those who are afraid of heights, who sleep restlessly and may fall, or those who dream of distant countries, hiking trips and archaeological expeditions, will suit the bed-hut. It, by the way, is easy to interpret as an Indian tepee and a traveler’s tent.And if you decorate the draperies of the bed-hut in the Oriental style, it will easily turn into a tent of the Sultan or the Chamber of the Queen of Shamakhani.

The soft bed arranged on the floor or low pedestal of such a children's cot is safe and accessible to a child of any age and almost completely eliminates any injuries. In addition, the fabric walls of the bed-hut can hide in themselves and the abundance of pockets filled with all sorts of things, and the ventilation window to the world of dreams, and the curtains from the sun, which interferes with sleep in the early morning, and the banal, but sometimes so necessary mosquito net

Restless lovers of height and followers of the sports lifestyle will certainly prefer a bed with a small house upstairs - in the form of an attic. Typically, designers imitate a viewing platform, ship house or a tree house. Often, a similar loft house is combined not only with the bed, but also with a playing corner, and with various sports equipment, subject to both teenagers and children from 3 years (depending on the chosen configuration). There you can climb the stairs with handrails, a strong rope or a reliable “fishing” net, and you can go down the “fire” pole, the rope ladder or the slide adored by all children.

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There are options when you can get into the attic above the bed either on the Swedish stairs, or along completely safe wide steps in the form of spacious boxes where the child with pleasure folds his personal belongings, toys and sports equipment.

Romantic natures will appreciate a children's bed-house, similar to the palace of a princess or a knight's castle. From miniature turrets with spiers and flags of your favorite color, you can view your toy possessions and wave a “princes” handkerchief. Or, together with friends, it’s noisy, fun and sure to successfully repel the attacks of “superior enemy forces”. Or, having retired behind the tightly drawn curtains, turn on the tiny light bulb in your playroom and read your favorite book.

And if mom and dad listen, you can also invite them for tea from dandelions with plasticine candies - in a luxurious house, arranged under a high vault of a bed-palace, everything will fit!

It is interesting that the most budgetary option of a children's bed in the form of a house is the most practical and functional one. Children grow quickly, their tastes change often, and parents find it difficult to keep up with their wishes.Here the lifeline becomes a house combined with a bunk bed. The free space at the bottom and the fences at the top with the help of cloths of cloth with thematic appliqué or stylistically designed hinged structures easily turn into a ship, shop, bus, castle, hut, plane or den of pirates.

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By the way, it is the easiest way to do just such a bed house with your children - the main thing is to calculate everything correctly, choose high-quality and safe materials and paints, take care of tools, children and small objects from each other, and eventually securely assemble what is together will think up.

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