How to choose a crib for a newborn

Choosing a bed for a newborn is a very important task. The baby spends most of his time in the crib, because in the first days after birth he sleeps more than he is awake. Therefore, while in the crib, he should feel comfortable.

The main thing is safety

There is a huge variety of cots. But, which one of them you would choose, first of all you need to pay attention to their safety. The baby should be deprived of the opportunity to harm himself in a dream or while playing. If you do not know which bed to choose for a newborn, listen to the advice of professionals.

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Many mothers believe that it is better that the bed was wooden. In it, the child will not accidentally hit, and the bed itself will not crack in time. However, we will talk about the features of the choice of materials separately. When choosing a crib safe for the child, the main thing is that there are no sharp corners, relief projections and other details that the baby can get hurt on its surface.

The bottom of the crib and its side surfaces should ideally not be solid. Choosing a bed with a slatted bottom will ensure good ventilation of the mattress and the bed as a whole. At the same time, it is important that the bars on the side surface be frequent - in this way, the child’s head, foot, or handle will not get stuck between them. The best option is the space between the bars, seven centimeters wide.

It is also desirable that one of the walls be removable. This will greatly facilitate the process of night feeding. This bed can be put close to an adult. So, lowering the wall, you can feed the baby, even without getting out of bed.

A nice addition will be a double bottom. It will allow, if necessary, to lay the child higher or lower. For the safety of the baby, over time it will be possible to lower it below so that the child does not get out of his bed.

Most popular types

Now that we have dealt with the basic requirements for cots, let's look at a few popular models. A cradle or a cradle

Cradle or carrycot

One of the most popular models is the carrycot. These cots provide the newborn baby maximum comfort.One of the best options is a wicker cradle. It is natural and hypoallergenic. The best option is a cradle made of durable willow vines.

Such models of cots differ in very small sizes. Thus, the baby feels completely safe, as if he is in his mother's belly. Among the young active mummies are particularly popular beds on wheels. They can move around the perimeter of a house or apartment.

Often, these beds are equipped with mattresses, mosquito nets, or even a motion sickness system with slow melodic music.

A crib of this kind may not be the main place for sleeping, but also a spare one. In this case, it is simply attached to an ordinary metal or wood crib. In this case, the baby can first be pumped into the cradle, and then, having lulled, to shift it into a simple bed.

The only drawback of such small cradles is that they will not last long for your child, since six months later he will simply grow out of them.

Classic. Wooden cot

The most common option is a classic cot.It can be used from the very birth of a baby and up to two or three years old. It is best to choose a solid wooden cot, which is not covered with varnish and not polished - this option is the safest and most environmentally friendly.

These beds can also be equipped with wheels, which makes it possible to move them from place to place. Another option - this bed, complemented by runners instead of wheels. Such a scheme will give the opportunity to rock the baby without putting it in the crib. Best of all, if these runners are removable. In this case, they can be removed if desired.

Classic cots usually have a standard size - twenty meters by 60 centimeters. At the bottom they can be supplemented with special drawers, in which all children's things are stored. Thus, all the necessary little things will always be on hand, even if the children's room is not very large.


Along with the classic wooden beds are popular and the same, but made of durable metal. These cots are quite safe, only if the child in a dream is not in contact with cold metal.Metal beds must be covered with a cloth.

Another advantage of such beds is that over time it can be transformed into a sleeping place for a growing child. Other models can be used as a durable quality playpen, in which the baby will not only sleep, but also play.

Pendulum crib

The so-called pendulum crib will also help the baby fall asleep. It is equipped with special arc-shaped runners that allow you to rock the baby. The cot sways to and fro and the baby is lulled no worse than in the mother’s arms.

Beds-beacons can be divided into transverse and longitudinal. In addition, these beds are equipped with a special locking mechanism that does not allow the furniture to swing independently.

"Pendulums" rarely supply a box below. After all, if you put things into it, they will roar when rolling, rolling. A significant disadvantage of such beds is that when the baby grows up, he can quite carelessly fall out of the strongly rocking cradle.

Transforming bed

For those who appreciate every centimeter of his apartment, suitable transforming beds.They are supplied with additional functional details. Different models can have a changing table, nightstand, shelves or drawers for clothes.

Other transforming beds can be sliding - this will give the opportunity to use the bed for a longer period of time. A small cot for a baby over time can be transformed into a bed for a teenager.

However, a long service life is not always a plus. Over time, the beds lose their attractiveness, fade, or simply get tired of the children.


The oval bed looks especially elegant. In addition to the exquisite appearance, this furniture has one more advantage - the child will not be able to get hurt about its smooth corners.

A crib with oval shapes takes up significantly less space than a classic rectangular one. If your oval bed is a transformer, then if necessary it can become a playpen, an armchair or a sofa.


Among the many moms are popular and extra beds. They are good because they are located next to the bed of their parents.So it turns out that the child sleeps in the same bed with the parents, if necessary, can be separated from them by a special partition.

Functional features

The crib for the newborn should be functional and practical. If the budget allows, it is best to choose the option, equipped with runners for swinging or music block. This will quickly put to sleep a tired baby.


To date, wooden cribs are still the most popular. Furniture made of high quality wood is the safest and most eco-friendly option. True, when buying, it is advisable to give preference to the beds, which are not additionally coated with varnish or paint. After all, very often children gnaw at bed elements, which means that they should not be treated with any materials harmful to children's health.

However, metal models are also becoming increasingly relevant. They over time do not break and do not crack.

What to look for when choosing

In addition to the appearance and material of which the bed is made, you should pay attention to other details.

A crib for a newborn will serve him for several years.This feature is almost always taken into account by manufacturers of children's furniture. There are beds that can withstand the weight of a child up to 15 kg.

The dimensions of the beds are also different. There are larger, or smaller. The classic option is a bed size of 120x60 cm. But if such furniture seems too large to you, then you can look at the cradles, which take up much less space. For non-standard mattress beds, you will have to choose a mattress yourself. So, choose the classic size of the crib or custom, choose only you.

Almost all modern cribs for newborns are now supplied with an additional bottom. In different beds there are up to five levels at which you can fix the bottom of the crib. This is especially convenient for cots, which are located next to the parent. Thus, you can set the bottom so that it coincides with the height of your bed.

In addition, it is useful when the baby grows up. The newborn baby is most convenient to lay in a shallow bed. Over time, the depth can be changed so that the child himself could not get out of bed.

Speaking of tips on choosing cots for newborns, it is impossible not to note such a moment as a car wall. The crib is supplied with a special button, when pressed, one of the side walls itself goes down. This item will be useful for night feeding.

When we choose a quality crib for a newborn, we can not ignore the ability to move the crib. To do this, it must be supplemented with good wheels. It is best if they are removable. It is also important that complete with such a bed were also clamps for wheels. Then the bed will not move because of the active fuss of the child.

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Also, when choosing beds, you can focus on the reviews of those who have already purchased a particular model. Reviews moms will help you navigate and choose the right bed for their own living conditions.


If you want the bed to be not only practical, but also attractive, you can decorate it additionally. For this, functional elements are most often used, for example, mobiles with small toys.

There is a large selection of mobiles for boys and girls that you can choose according to your own taste.

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Preparing a crib for the arrival of the baby

But on the choice of the crib preparation for the appearance in the house of the baby does not end. Many argue about how to sleep newborns, referring to the famous scientists, Komarovsky, or just the advice of grandmothers. Let's see how really it is worth making a crib for a baby.

  • This important process begins with the choice of mattress. A well-chosen mattress should fit the size of the bed. It should not be too soft, because its task is to support the back of the baby. It is also important that it be made of durable material, for example, time-tested spandbond.

Another quality option is mattresses, latex impregnated with high-quality coconut fiber. They serve for a long time and are perfect for babies. The mattress also needs to be prepared for use - fill it in a good cover so that the child does not accidentally stain it. If desired, you can even make it yourself. To do this, you just need to carve out a rectangle of fabric and sew, adding a rubber band on top. Eraser allows you to fix the cover in the desired position and ensures that it does not slip, opening the mattress during the fussing of the child.

  • A newborn baby should not spend much time in a diaper. Therefore, on top of the mattress is desirable to put oilcloth.

    There are even special children's oilcloths that are non-toxic and do not harm the children's body. A sheet can be put on top of this oilcloth. For a newborn baby this is enough.

Pillows need a child with only three years. Until that time, so that his body is normally formed, you should not use any pads. Superfluous will be all kinds of rollers that only harm the normal formation of the spine. At first, the child should lie on a flat surface.

The blanket is needed only as a last resort, when the room is too cold. Ideally, do without it. The fact is that in a dream a baby can accidentally pull it over his head and get confused. Therefore, it is better to just put the child warmer. To do this, choose a warm bodysuit or a combination of shirts with sliders.

  • It is important to note that moment it is desirable to fill a bed with bed linen from natural fabrics. For this purpose, such variants as cotton underwear, or fabric with satin weave are optimal.Another option is often chosen by moms - sheets of thick coarse calico.
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  • The bedding color should be neutral pastel.. The best option, consider child psychotherapists - a light green shade of bed. But too bright or printed fabrics have a negative effect on the psyche, making the baby too active and interfering with his normal rest. Also remember that bedding should be prepared before use. Enough for that it is good to wash it and stroke it with a hot iron.
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