Desk for two children

Features and benefits

Children grow up very quickly, and therefore parents often have to puzzle over how to place the maturing children in the same room. The issue of arranging the working area in the nursery is very important, since when two children are sitting at the same table at the same time, it is important to ensure their comfort. Children need to be positioned so that they do not interfere with each other. A desk for two children must be correctly selected in size, height and other parameters.

This piece of furniture will be perfect for both preschoolers and schoolchildren. Even if your little ones are not yet in school, they need a workplace for which they could engage in creative work or other things, as well as prepare for classes. The acquisition of a common table for two children allows you to more functionally use the area of ​​the room, as well as save it. A desk for two children is the best option for owners of small rooms, as well as studio apartments.

How to choose?

For the full development of your children, you need to properly select the furniture in their room. There are many requirements for writing and computer desk for children, they must be strictly followed. The most important parameter of a desk for children is its height. If you get too low or too high a table, kids will be at risk of spoiling the posture. Children can easily get a curvature of the spine when they sit, stooping, at a low table top.

When choosing a table for two children in the nursery, it is important to consider the height and age of the children. It is better if the parameters of both babies are about the same, since in this situation it is much easier to choose a desk that fits both children at once. But if your children have too big age gap, the choice of one common desktop for two children at once will be a bit difficult. Then you need to find a model of the desk that has the function of adjusting the height of each of the two workplaces separately. If you were unable to select this model of the table, this problem can be solved in a different way.You should purchase a height-adjustable child seat for the standard table, and such a chair should have a special footrest.

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When choosing a desk for two children should pay attention to its size and material. A good option is a fairly compact table, but large enough to accommodate two children and reliable. In addition, the model of the desk should fit well into the interior design of the nursery. The most practical option is the desktop with drawers and bookshelves, since there you can comfortably place books, stationery and other necessary children's things.

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Wood is considered the most reliable material for the table, but fully wooden tables look quite cumbersome. If its frame is made not from a wooden array, but from metal supports, then such a children's table will visually seem more compact and neat. This model of the table is very suitable for children, it is universal for its intended purpose.

When choosing a table, pay special attention to the tabletop: a tabletop made of high-quality and reliable materials is considered good.The kids, besides practicing writing and using a computer, usually also paint at such a table, mold them from plasticine, and also play active games. Consider that two children are more active and therefore such a table should be doubly reliable and durable. It is necessary to choose a tabletop with a surface that will be less exposed to external influence.

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If your children are about one meter in height to twenty meters, then a table half a meter high and chairs thirty centimeters high are perfect for them. Doctors-orthopedists advise to adhere to such proportions when buying a written or computer children's table. If children are over a meter of twenty, then for all subsequent ten centimeters of height over this indicator, five centimeters must be added to the height of the table, and three centimeters to the size of the high chair.

You can check the compliance of the height of the desktop and the growth of children visually. If the children stand near the table and its parameters will be a couple of centimeters higher than the elbows of the guys, then the table is chosen correctly. When the kids are sitting at the desk, the distance between the knees and the work surface should not exceed fifteen centimeters.Moreover, the extreme part of the stoic should be located at the same distance as the solar plexus.

As for the length of the table, it is important to choose a size so that one child does not hit the other elbows while writing. To do this, you need to purchase a desk with a length of at least one meter for each child. The width of the table will depend on its specific purpose. The standard acceptable width of the table top is sixty centimeters. If you are planning to install a computer on a children's desktop, then in this case the worktop should be wider, about seventy centimeters.

Location in the nursery

In order to avoid problems with the eyesight of children, it is best to arrange their common writing desk along the window. In this case, it is important that the sunlight falls on the tabletop on the left. If you do not have the opportunity to arrange the working area so that both children equally receive sunlight on the table surface, you need to periodically change the places of the children. In this case, both children will take turns sitting at the correct working surface. Children should be seated near the window if the room is rather wide, but if the room is narrow, it is permissible to seat the children one after the other and use artificial lighting.

In bad weather or in times when the sunlight almost does not penetrate the windows of a nursery, it is better to illuminate a desk with the help of daylight bulbs. For a large table for each child, one lamp should be placed, and the lighting device should be placed on the left. If both or one child is left-handed, you need to put the lamp on the table so that the light falls on the right. There are lamps that can be mounted in the wall and adjust the angle of light, they are the most versatile solution for lighting a desk in the nursery.

When placing a desk for two children at the window, it is necessary to make sure that between its frames there are no gaps through which cold air can penetrate. The desk, located by the window, helps reduce children's fatigue, and also has a positive effect on vision.

Zone separation

Each child has a special personality, so you need to personalize the workplace of each of your children as much as possible. Even if your children are twins, it is necessary to individually design the working area of ​​both children and separate these areas.The zoning of the table with the workplace is very important, since in this way children will not interfere with each other in the process of study or other important matters.

Zoning of the common table for two children can be done in different ways. So, it is possible to install a partition in the form of a bookshelf, lamps, and also it is possible to delimit the working areas with a computer monitor. If children strongly interfere with each other, you can install a special partition, as is done in large offices. If all these options are not suitable for your children, then there is nothing left but the option with the real separation of the table with the installation of the cupboard between its two parts.

In the presence of a common desk, it is necessary to provide each child with an individual place to store personal belongings. This will help you avoid quarrels between the children. So, each child should have their own separate shelf for books, their own box for small things or even a whole nightstand in the table, their own personal support for textbooks, their own compartments for storing stationery and notebooks, as well as a separate hook for the backpack. Such zoning of the desktop and individualization of places for storage of personal belongings will help to maintain peaceful and friendly relations between your kids.

Along the window

A table for two children, installed along the window is a very convenient functional solution. It can be presented in two versions: either two identical working children's tables, shifted into one line, or one table with a rather long table top. The latest model can be suspended or classic. If the nursery has one wide window, then this kind of desktop for two kids is exactly what you need.

Experts believe that this arrangement of the desk - the most preferred and most beneficial to the health of your children. It is best if the window is not located in the northern part. With the right arrangement of the window and the desktop for the children of the table along it, both children will receive the necessary lighting and will not cause each other inconvenience in the process of learning lessons and homework. This placement of the table is very comfortable and convenient.

Corner models

There are several options for arranging the working area with an angular arrangement of the table for two children. The first method of placement is the arrangement of the table in the shape of a triangle, while the children will be seated, touching shoulders.The angle in this case is functionally used, filling it with shelves for books and textbooks or a computer. The second variant of the angular placement of the table is the creation of two triangles. In this case, each child will be located in a separate corner, and therefore will have more free space.

The third variant of the location of the working area in the corner is the g-shaped arrangement of the table. With this placement of the roll table, the children will be almost completely isolated from each other. Thus, behind the g-shaped corner placement of the table, the guys are back to each other and do not create inconvenience for themselves. The baby will not be distracted by looking at what the other child is doing.

Corner models of desktops are placed in any unoccupied corner of the children's room. With this arrangement of the table, it is better to mount the lamp into the wall so that it does not take up too much space and illuminates the working area well. At the bottom in the middle, under the table top, you can install a separation cabinet with drawers for storing the necessary things. If you prefer the angular arrangement of the children's table, the shelves should be hung on the wall.In some cases, the desktop is not located in the corner of the room, but, on the contrary, opposite it, in order to separate the playing part of the room from the working room.


A great solution for a nursery with a small area will be the installation of a folding writing table for two children. This model is very versatile, you can expand the table in one motion and thereby expand the working surface of the table. Sliding work surfaces can be presented in two versions. The first of them has a turning mechanism, with the help of which during the decomposition of the table one working surface literally moves down from the other. The second option has a simpler device: one part of the tabletop rises from under the other part of it.

This model has positive and negative sides. The main advantage is that if you wish, you can easily fold it and free up space in the nursery. But the negative side of this model is that before folding or unfolding such a table, you will need to get out on it, and also fold all the large things that will interfere with this process.In addition, because of the frequent use of the folding mechanism of the table can be loosened, and because of this the table will not be as reliable and stable.

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