How to choose racks for the garage?

No matter how the garage is used, its main task is to store useful things that should not be left in the house. If there is a car, then everything connected with it should be close by and be in the garage. In addition, this room can serve as a workshop and storage place for sports, fishing and all kinds of equipment that fits best on specially selected shelves that should fit the garage.

Special features

Having at his disposal a garage, every owner of it should from time to time restore order in it, removing the excess and systematizing what is useful in the work. In order for this process to have maximum productivity, shelving must be installed in the room.

For a garage, it is fundamentally important to have sufficient dimensions to freely put the car in or make repairs. If something interferes with these actions, it must be removed.

The presence of shelving is a very important factor for several reasons, among which are:

  • the presence of chaotically located things prevents the free passage of the car into and out of the garage;
  • the abundance of things located haphazardly and throughout the garage, does not allow you to quickly find what you need;
  • the presence of a large number of things located in the wrong place increases the risk of fire and makes it difficult to pay off due to the scattered arrangement of substances capable of ignition;
  • the lack of a storage system makes the garage look cluttered and sloppy, not everyone will like to be and work in it.

The use of shelving allows you to solve all these problems by arranging a comfortable environment in the room. It is not necessary to bring the garage to an ideal order, but each thing must have its own place, then there will be more order and it will be easier to find the right thing.

For a car enthusiast, garage shelves are also needed for storing wheels, tires and other car parts. They usually have considerable dimensions, because their unsystematic storage will not allow efficient use of the workspace.Frequently, garage owners love their car so much that they spend all their free time in the garage, which is why in this room everything should contribute to comfortable work.

The advantages of the rack are small dimensions. Often these structures are located near the wall, they can have fixed shelves or removable, which allows you to adjust their height if necessary. The open design allows you to quickly find the desired item, because it lies in sight.

If the rack is made of durable materials, then it can be placed and heavy parts, motor cars or something like that.

If we consider the types of racks, then today there are four options:

  • stationary;
  • assembly;
  • mobile;
  • rotating.

Stationary racks are installed once and fastened to the garage walls. They are durable and reliable, can withstand a lot of weight. Prefab type can be bought under a certain garage, based on the dimensions. It is easy to assemble it, and it is possible to put it in any convenient place and set the individual height of each shelf.

Mobile shelves are characterized by the presence of wheels on which the rack can be moved to any convenient place for it.The rotating option works well for a small tool that should be easily accessible.

Selecting racks, you need to select the options that will fit the specific room, and use it as much as possible, raising the shelves to the ceiling itself and located along the longest wall. It is important not to choose a rack with wide shelves so that there is a place in the garage for both the car and the owner.which should be easily and quickly selected to any objects of interest.


Having thought about buying or manufacturing racks for the garage, it is worth deciding on the materials from which they should be made. There are two options, it is metal and wood. The choice of a particular type is dictated by the goals for which it is purchased and financial capabilities.

If the garage shelves are made of wood, then they can be put unnecessary things from the house, a small inventory, but nothing too heavy. The advantage of this type is that you can do it yourself without much difficulty.

If we talk about a metal rack, then it is made of a profile and has a much more reliable construction, so tires, heavy tools can be put on it, and you should not be afraid for their integrity.A metal open cabinet can also be made manually, but this process is much more laborious than working with wood and requires special tools.

If the shelves are made of wood, then it is important to buy quality material so that there are no knots in it, which will ensure the strength of the structure. The shelves can be made of chipboard, and the wooden frame of high quality boards. The resulting structure can be left without treatment or varnished, which will extend its service life.

If you don’t want to buy a metal rack, or you don’t have the opportunity to find the right size, you can do it yourself by finding the material for the frame that can serve: corners, pipes, profiles and sheets of metal for shelves. It is important to treat all surfaces so that they are not sharp, otherwise it will not be safe to be in the garage.

The height of the shelves depends on the height of the ceilings, and the number of shelves depends on the need and the tasks that face the new storage system. Stationary structures are both metal and wood, prefabricated often made of metal, mobile can be both metal and small wooden, although the first option and more popular.Rotating structures are made of metal, they are very difficult to make from wood.

It is important to use in the garage and mounted shelves to remove all the excess from the floor and conveniently placed at a suitable height. Such shelves can be made of metal, wood and combined.

Designs and their sizes

Since the racks can have several options from which they can be made, there are various designs and an abundance of sizes of such open shelves. In the case when the product is made of metal, then they need racks, crossbars and shelves. When these materials have good strength, the finished rack will be reliable, if the thickness is small, then steel strips may be needed at the back, which are screwed or welded to the frame and reinforce the structure.

Shelves can be installed at any distance from each other, this can be solved on site, therefore it is better if they are removable. It is important to consider the length of the entire rack, which should not exceed two meters, otherwise the shelf under the weight will bend and break. For small things that are needed infrequently, it is convenient to use suspended structures, which often do not have large dimensions.

Under the ceiling, you can not put anything dangerous for ignition, containers that can be tilted over when removed from a height.

You can use hinged shelves of different designs, they can have an angular format, or additionally equipped with drawers for trifles.

Rack shelves made of metal are made of different materials, the metal corner, the profile pipe and the combination of both options are best suited for the frame. Shelves can be made of thin metal, but it is best to use wood and chipboard. For wooden racks, a 50 to 50 mm bar is used for the base, and for flooring - boards, plywood, chipboard or OSB.

For different tasks it is necessary to use different materials and components for them. If there is a working area in the garage, then a modular wall with shelves should have a table. Convenient wall shelves allow you to place all the necessary material at hand and quickly find it.

Prefabricated and collapsible racks should be in the garage in case of temporary, but large-scale work, if you need to repair a car or furniture, everything that will be needed in the work is placed in such racks, and they are placed near the workplace, which simplifies the repair process itself.

Ceiling shelves will be convenient for those rooms where the lower part of the garage should be free, not cluttered with various objects. The design of such shelves can be different, as well as material. If it is metal, then the bases can have the form of a square on which shelves are put on, each corner is attached either to the wall or to one common base.

The rack can have different sizes, but there are some rules to which you should listen. Thus, the height of the bottom shelf from the floor should be at least 50 cm, and it is better to raise it to 70 cm. The height between all the shelves from floor to ceiling should be within 30 cm, although variations are possible depending on the purpose. The width of the rack itself can be 40 cm, if it is small, but long, or 60 cm with a shorter design.

If the rack is equipped for storing tires, then it should have several departments, side for small things, at least 70 cm in length and 50 cm in width, and the main, where the tires will be located, it can have a length from meter to 1.30 cm In this case, the whole structure will have 2 meters in height and more than 2.5 in width. This type of shelves is best made of metal.

As for the shelves of wood, the sizes differ slightly, but has its own characteristics.The length of the whole structure with appropriate supports can be up to six meters, which is advantageous. The bottom shelf should be raised from the floor level to a height of 80 cm, and the distance between all the shelves from floor to ceiling is 40 cm, you can make multi-level shelves to be able to put small and overall things in their places.

The width of the structure is 60 cm, so a large number of things and tools can be placed on such a rack.

How to do it yourself?

In order to improve the garage, to make it not only comfortable, but also convenient for work, it is important to place the necessary number of shelves in it. It is not necessary to buy all the products in the store, you can make them with your own hands, selecting the most convenient materials and calculating the optimal dimensions. To accomplish the above task, you need to follow a clear plan:

  1. based on the dimensions of the garage, calculations of the free space for the furniture and the drawing of the future rack are carried out;
  2. selection of materials that will be functional and safe in the room and their procurement in the right quantity;
  3. selection of the necessary tools that will be needed for the work.

If it is necessary to decide which dimensions the future design will have, then it is important to estimate how many things need to be placed on it. If there are not many of them, then one small rack is enough, if it is an abundance of tools, and sporting goods, a boat and accessories for fishing, parts for repairing a car and something that does not fit in a house, then you need to do one or even two shelving for the entire length of the garage.

For the selection of sizes of future furniture, it is important to draw a draft of the garage with the exact dimensions and place everything on paper as you would like to see in reality.

Self-made shelves will look as good as purchased ones, if they are thoroughly assembled, they have to think through all the nuances and devote a sufficient amount of time and energy to it. By the choice of material should approach carefully, given the construction of the garage. If it is metal, then the ideal solution would be to make a side cabinet. It can be wooden and well installed, but it is better to weld it out of metal, and for greater reliability, weld it to the garage itself.

Wall panels will play an important role in the case of wall shelves.If the coating is thin and fragile, then it is better not to hang anything, and if it is a simple brick, then it will withstand a fairly large number of hanging shelves. In that case, if there is a desire to use advanced fastening technology, it is important to know about them as much as possible. Standard fastener instructions may contain too little information. It will help to view various videos on the topic or installation of the first shelf with a qualified master.

When the frame for the rack is made, it is important to put shelves convenient for use, they can be made of boards, PVC, OSB and plywood. If it is possible to use a thin metal, then it is welded to the base around the perimeter. If something heavy or large is stored on the shelf, then it is important to strengthen the frame itself and pick up a solid shelf. For the frame used angle or shaped tube. The shelves themselves must be at least two centimeters thick.

If working with metal requires the availability of tools and the ability to work with it, then for the construction of wooden shelves a minimum set and the basics of craftsmanship are sufficient. In addition to these factors, the cost of materials also speaks in favor of the use of wood, where wood is several times less than cost.Using metal, you need to take care of the coating of its anti-corrosion coating, which will also require spending.

The tree also needs protection from external factors in order for the shelving to be durable. It is important to cover it with a compound that will protect against mold, rot, high humidity and other factors.

Planning the creation of the rack, you need to consider the following:

  • the volume and weight of what will be on the shelves;
  • determining the width of the structure, you need to consider the free space for the passage or arrival of the machine;
  • the distance between the shelves;
  • option exactly how to fix the shelves: to the floor or wall;
  • take into account the conditions under which you may need to strengthen the structure.

The height of the rack should be commensurate with the ceiling in the garage room. The optimal width of a convenient design will be 60 cm. The dimensions of the shelves should vary from small, to high from top to bottom, so that heavy and large objects are closer to the floor.

In order to begin construction work, it is important to prepare the necessary tool, these are:

  • medium size level;
  • roulette not less than 2 meters;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • drill, which has a punch function;
  • jigsaw or its electrical version;
  • circular saw for cutting iron angle or pipe;
  • welding;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • dowels and screws, anchors;
  • drills for concrete, wood and metal;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint and brush.

In order to make a shelving on your own, you must first prepare all the elements of the frame. If it is metal, then pre-measured pieces are cut into an electric jigsaw or a circular saw, it will be sufficient to use a simple saw for a wooden one. Vertical racks are laid out so that you can install longitudinal and transverse crossbars.

In the case of wall fixing, it is necessary to mark its location on the walls, and make holes for dowels, on which the whole structure will be located. The same is done on the structure itself, after which it is fixed to the wall and assembled in turn, from guides, to the installation of shelves.

When the construction is going to metal, then you need to pre-sand, primed and painted it. For the wooden version, polishing, priming and protection from the effects of mold and rotting material are also needed.The next step is the preparation of shelves, which are cut from a pre-selected material. When everything is ready, the surface of each product is perforated. When the frame is installed, it must be fixed to the ceiling or wall, and then lay the shelves. They are fixed with screws, glue or bolts.

If the rack is free-standing, then it is assembled by mounting the side racks, securing the transverse and longitudinal bars, and, if necessary, also reinforcing structures, and installing the shelves themselves.

If it is not possible to install the rack due to lack of space, you can use two types of shelves: hinged and hanging. Suspended shelf attached to the ceiling, because the wall can not withstand a large load.

Secrets of the organization of space

In order for each object in the garage to have its place, and at the same time the space does not seem overloaded and cluttered up, you can use some interesting techniques. If you need to store garden equipment in the garage, you can create a wooden shelf with a cut-out for the holder, which will allow you to safely place everything in one place.

If you have a large number of tools, then it can be systematized,for example, to make a small wooden shelf with round through holes, where screwdrivers will be inserted, you can easily orient in the desired object along the handle and the tip.

If you want to minimize dust and dirt on the shelves, you need instead of wood and similar materials to use a metal grid through which dirt will fall to the floor, from where it is easier to remove. There is equipment that takes up a lot of space in the supine position, because for it you can make vertical shelves that will slide out of the locker, and place special items on special mounts.

Using an open rack instead of a closed cabinet will provide an opportunity to quickly find what you need.

If there is very little space in the garage, and there are things that take up a lot of space, but have a small weight, you can build niches for them on the ceiling that can be attached with chains, they can be conveniently driven into containers chosen for this purpose. If you need to prepare a place for keys, then the perforated panels are suitable for this in the best way. The hooks are inserted into the holes on which the keys are mounted.

For the storage of tires and wheels it is better to make a rack from a corner that can support such a weight and help keep these items in order. Workbenches should be placed separately and not raised to a height - this is a working area, which should always be ready for use. For grinders and other power tools, you can make drawers in which to store such things will be safer.

Particular attention should be paid to the location of the cans, because it is a combustible mixture. They need to be placed below, in a dry place, where there are no electricians and the risk of fire. Any equipment that is often used, should be at hand, and one that is needed infrequently, can be removed away. It is convenient to store everything on the racks, which must be properly placed in the garage. For these purposes, you need to choose the longest wall in order to be able to place everything you need on the structure.

Options shelves, cabinets, racks can be different, and in each case, everything depends on the specific garage and what will be placed in storage systems.

Tips and tricks

To create a storage system project, first of all you need to make a drawing along which construction will already take place. It is important to calculate the dimensions of the new furniture in order to fit them correctly into the space.

From the choice of place for the rack depends on the convenience of using it. It is best to place it under the longest wall in order to increase the area and be able to accommodate a greater number of items for different purposes. The height of the racking design with the standard dimensions of the garage should be from floor to ceiling.

If the ceilings are very high, it is better not to make the shelves on top, because to work with them you will need a ladder.

The shelves located at the bottom have a great height to accommodate the overall things, such as the wheels of the car, and large and heavy parts. The upper shelves, on the contrary, it is better to make small, not heavy and small objects fit well on them.

Highly raised last shelf from the floor, will give access to high-quality cleaning of the room, which will make the garage even more comfortable.

When mounting the shelves, it is better to leave 10 cm on both sides to make it easier to install the rack and, if necessary, dismantle it easily. Shelf width should be optimal. Narrow shelves will not be able to accommodate a large number of tools, too wide will be inconvenient to use.

Beautiful examples

Having a beautiful and comfortable garage is a dream of many, but not everyone knows the secret of successfully arranging furniture and placing all the contents in it indoors. In order to learn something new and useful, you can look at good examples of internal placement in the garage and the use of shelving in it.

In the garage, neatly brick, it is better to use metal racks. It is very convenient if you buy a whole set of furniture, which includes a working area with one or two tables, open shelves and closed cabinets. The height of the structure reaches the ceiling, thereby allowing to fit everything you need on it. If you can not buy such a set, you can do something similar with your own hands. Instead of a special table, the usual writing will suit, and the racks are made so that the entire contents of the garage is in harmony with each other.

The use of hanging shelves is convenient in the case when the lower part of the garage should be free so as not to interfere with the arrival of the car or for some other reason. It is important that the design of this type is predominantly metal, because it must withstand heavy loads.The walls of the garage must be brick, otherwise it will not be possible to fix the shelves on them.

The distance between all the shelves is about the same, but there is quite a lot of space above the ceiling above, and if you wish, you can put something not heavy on the upper shelf, but overall.

A handmade wooden shelving will perfectly fit into the design of any garage, especially if the work is done conscientiously. Having correctly calculated the height of the shelves, they can be maximally loaded by systematizing all the things in the room for the convenience of working with them and finding the necessary objects.

      Whichever option is chosen, the main thing is to try to make the rack so that it decorates the garage, unloads it and accommodates everything you need.

      You can watch a master class on making a rack in a garage from a square profile 20 * 20 * 1.5 mm in the next video.

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