How many lining cubes?

Construction work goes to its logical conclusion, and you decide that you will be doing the finishing work with the help of clapboard. To avoid unnecessary costs when buying a material, it is important to understand how much lining corresponds to one cubic meter.

Special features

Depending on the type of finishing work, the calculation of the required size of the wall panel has a number of features. So, in order to calculate the number of boards for interior decoration, it is necessary to compile a list of rooms to be repaired.

Then they determine in which room you will finish the floor or ceiling, and in which room you will decorate the walls. After that draw plans for surfaces to be decorated. And for each wall it is necessary to draw a separate plan taking into account window and door openings.

Next, you should perform the measurements by writing the result to a previously prepared plan.

If you are going to finish the floor, measure the length and width of the room from the walls. If necessary, the same data can be entered in the design of the ceiling.

If the upcoming works relate to the walls, you need the parameters of each of them. But you may also need the height and width of the doorway, the distance from it to any of the adjacent walls. Windows are measured in the same way, additionally determining the distance from the floor to the bottom of the window opening.

The final stage of the calculation is the calculation of the area of ​​the processed surfaces. They are performed separately for each room, subtracting the area of ​​the window and door openings from the area of ​​the walls. The resulting numbers add up, adding to the total amount of 10 percent in case of emergency.

Calculation for exterior decoration of the house, shed, bath or any other country house construction is performed similarly. The only difference is that the triangular attic pediment is considered as the footage of the triangle - the length should be multiplied by the height and divided by two. Determine the required volume of clapboard will allow the calculated area of ​​the facade, multiplied by the thickness of a certain type of this material.

You can find out how many pieces of wooden or plastic panels you need with the help of the same calculated area divided by the area of ​​one panel.

And, finally, if you are going to connect the lining using the groove-thorn method, exclude the protruding parts of the spikes from the parameters of the width of the boards.


Regardless of the type of work chosen by you, it is necessary to count the number of battens in a cube, as well as determine the number of squares in a cubic meter.

In the first case, the type and breed of wood or plastic variety do not play any role, it is important to count only the working surfaces of the panels. They are also called length and width. The calculation is carried out as follows: calculate the volume of one sheet of lining, and then divide one cubic meter by the resulting number, rounding the result to whole numbers.

The square makes it possible to understand what the dimensions of the area being trimmed are, allowing you to calculate the number of square meters in a cube. To perform the calculation, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the future finishing material. The value of this indicator ranges from twelve to twenty millimeters, which should be converted to meters. Well, then one cubic meter is divided by the resulting value.

These calculations are valid for premises of 20 or 15 square meters. m, and for a smaller area. Calculations can be done both independently and on the online calculator, by driving the necessary data into the appropriate fields.

Independently performed computational operations will help to avoid not only overpayments, but also possible deception by sellers, many of whom seek to round off values.

The size

The correctness and correctness of the calculations are significantly influenced by the dimensions of the lining itself. There are many different tables containing the necessary data. But we give the basic parameters, without which it can not do.

According to GOST, the width of the timber is forty-five - one hundred and twentyand the thickness is within thirteen to sixteen millimeters. For these parameters, small deviations are allowed - no more than one millimeter.

The length of wooden lining standard is not regulated, but this figure ranges from two to six meters, which allows everyone to choose the material according to their needs.

If you decide to sheathe the house with MDF panels - plates consisting of shavings and sawdust of medium density, decide on the choice of the manufacturer.

This is an important point, since each company offers its own standards for these plates.

  • The standard length of MDF of the Polish company Kronospan is 260 centimeters. Width varies from 20 to 15.3, and thickness - from 14 to 7 cm.
  • The German company HDM offers panels with a length of 130 and 260 centimeters, while their width and thickness are fixed - 19.8 centimeters and 600 millimeters.
  • Domestic manufacturer of MDF-panels "Soyuz" supplies the market with goods of the same dimensions: length - 260, width - 23.8 and thickness - 0.7 centimeters.

The most popular size of PVC lining is ten to two hundred and fifty millimeters. At the same time, there is no clear standard for plastic finishing materials, their length ranges from three to six meters, thickness is 5-10 and width is 100-250 mm.

Lining also does not have a specific standard. So, its length should not be less than 120 and more than 400 centimeters, but a number of manufacturers produce claddings up to six meters long. The size of the profile width of eurolining ranges from 10 to 12 centimeters, and the length of the spikes reaches eight to nine millimeters.

Standards are not limited to the same standards: when choosing finishing materials, be sure to be interested in the method, medium and duration of their storage, as well as specify the drying technology.

The latter concerns those who decided to finish the clapboard made of natural wood. After all, the moisture level of lumber allows you to determine how much one cubic meter weighs - this indicator is also called the volume weight.

So, if the moisture content of wood is from ten to eighteen percent, the volume weight of beech, hornbeam and oak reaches 700, larch - 600, pine and alder - 500, cedar, linden and spruce - 450 kilograms per meter cubed. At a humidity of 19-23 percent, these figures increase by 50 kilograms; 24-45 percent of moisture increases the volume weight by the same figure.

If the moisture index is more than 45 percent, the volume weight of beech, hornbeam, and oak wood is 1000 kilograms per meter in cubes. The weight of one cubic meter of larch will be 900, pine, alder, cedar, linden and spruce - 800 kilograms per meter cubed.


Anyway, the price and quality of the material affect the calculations and the final cost of the work. For example, such popular wood panels are much more expensive than plastic counterparts. What is not accidental: wood is an environmentally friendly material that retains heat and maintains constant humidity in the room.Resins and oils contained in it create a pleasant woody aroma and a healthy microclimate in the room, and a beautiful pattern of natural wood will be a cozy addition to the interior.

Often, the wooden clapboard sheathes the rooms of a village house and country houses to emphasize the unity of the rustic style.

In order not to be disappointed in the result, you need to know in what room should be placed one or another wooden panel.

  • Pine clapboard can be used for both interior and exterior decorating, since pine is a strong and durable material. This type of plating requires mandatory processing, otherwise it will change color.
  • Oak wood with an interesting texture is resistant to rotting. Oak-walled walls will survive several generations, but its high cost does not make it a generally accessible material.
  • Ash lining is very beautiful, it is not easy to handle, but it is perfect for dry rooms. But if you are going to sheathe clapboard bath, choose linden, which is well accustomed in rooms with high humidity.

The properties of certain wood species must meet certain quality standards.For example, top-class wall paneling is high-quality wood without a hitch.

A-class products also have excellent quality, the permissible defects are no more than two percent. Class B admits the presence of small defects on the surfaces of the panels, and the C-class is the cheapest wood, irregularities and knots on which are common.

Before installation and after it, wooden panels should be treated with special protective compounds against fire, water, rodents and small pests. Upon completion of the installation, the wood should be painted or varnished. But even with the most careful treatment, their service life will be no more than ten years. Throughout all time, walls covered with natural wood should be paid attention to, inspecting them, replacing worn panels with new ones if necessary.

      Plastic counterparts are considered more practical because they do not need additional processing. They are easy to use and do not require special surface preparation for installation, level the walls and hide their flaws. Plastic panels of water are not afraid, so as a care, you can simply wipe them with a damp cloth.

      Today, manufacturers represent a wide selection of PVC and MDF battens, from which you can choose any color to embody the most daring design ideas. In addition to all sorts of colors, there is a texture that repeats patterns of natural wood.

      If you wish, you can always decorate the interior of your home with a “sample” of an oak or ash, linden or cedar. Give preference to proven manufacturers, so that the cozy atmosphere of your home will not be interrupted by the unpleasant smell of low-quality plastic.

      How to calculate the wall paneling, see the next video.

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      Living room